Monday Star Wars Table Top Game

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Monday Star Wars Table Top Game

Postby JRTheFerret » 25 Aug 2011, 14:55

Hey, JR here. I'll be running a Star Wars Saga Edition on mondays from 6pm to close. We tend to play in the back left part of the store.

I'll be using the d20 extended galaxy system.
The character sheet can be found here ... et-113.pdf

I've run this story before, so i've gotten a lot of the kinks smoothed out, and things will be running better.

Opening levels is Level 3,
Lightside campaign.
It's taking part 3 years after the death of the emperor (the first time).

The only part where i'll control the backstory of your character is this,
1) you work for a new shipping co. that specializes in import and exports for planets off the normal trade routs. Opening of the game will have you shipping out on a job. You can have any character and backstory you want, just so long as your on the ship when it takes off. (working for the co. or maybe a stowaway )
2) if you DO play a jedi, you have to have a "found by an old mentor" backstory.
3) if anyone plays a mon calamari, I'll award the group 100xp every time you use "IT'S A TRAP" in context.

If your interested, you can post here, meet me at cape fear games (i set up an hour or two early on monday) or email me at
Last edited by heath on 31 Aug 2011, 15:17, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removed link
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Re: Monday Star Wars Table Top Game

Postby Iunnrais » 11 Sep 2011, 19:54

It's Richard, posting my character sheet as calculated by a character generator I found. Anything we set during last weeks (well, two weeks ago) game I kept, except the blaster stats, which are now per-the-book (since the book is better :D ).

Trind Gola CL 3

Medium Rodian scoundrel 3
Force 6
Init +11; Senses heightened awareness, low-light vision; Perception +10
Languages Basic, Binary, Huttese, Jawa Trade Language, Mon Calamarian, Rodese

Defenses Ref 20 (flat-footed 15), Fort 16, Will 16; Vehicular Combat
hp 32; second wind +17/16; Threshold 16

Speed 6 squares, Running Attack
Melee by weapon +4
Ranged blaster pistol +7 (3d6+1) or
Ranged blaster pistol +2 (3d6+1) and blaster pistol +2 (3d6+1)
Base Atk +2; Grp +7
Atk Options Dual Weapon Mastery, Find Openings, Point Blank Shot, Skirmisher

Abilities Str 14, Dex 20, Con 17, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 12
Talents Find Openings, Skirmisher
Feats Dual Weapon Mastery I, Point Blank Shot, Running Attack, Vehicular Combat, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons)
Primary Skills Acrobatics +11, Initiative +11, Knowledge (tactics) +10, Mechanics +10, Perception +10 (may reroll but must keep the result of the reroll even if worse), Pilot +11, Stealth +11, Use Computer +10
Secondary Skills Climb +3, Deception +2, Endurance +4, Gather Information +2, Jump +3, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +5, Knowledge (galactic lore) +5, Knowledge (life sciences) +5, Knowledge (physical sciences) +5, Knowledge (social sciences) +5, Knowledge (technology) +5, Persuasion +2, Ride +6, Survival +3, Swim +3, Treat Injury +3
Possessions blaster pistol, blaster pistol

Background forthcoming...
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Re: Monday Star Wars Table Top Game

Postby Iunnrais » 12 Sep 2011, 12:00

"If there's one think I know how to do, it's fly a spaceship while stone drunk!" --Trind Gola

Trind Gola has lived a somewhat hard life, as do most Rodians. The Empire ostracized most Rodians, locking them out of most legitimate jobs, forcing them towards the fringes of society. Trind was no exception.

From early adolescence, Trind has loved to fly, and has developed an over-estimated opinion of himself which can be somewhat off putting to others. Starting out with flying landskimmers at age 11, he later moved on to piloting old junkers he fixed up and "borrowed" from junkyards, which gave him his first feel for starfighters. Despite only having access to decommissioned Old Republic ships (Primarily A-wings), he found it simple to re-hook up weapons to them in order to hunt wild Vagh Rodiek for sport in the rainforests.

Self-taught, broke, and without real family support due to gambling debts,he looked for work wherever he could find it despite being only 14. His first job was as a mechanic on a freighter, but the pilot took him on and showed him the ropes, and in fact, Trind took over the helm entirely when the actual pilot was self-incapacitated by drink. Alas, drink was another habit Trind learned from his first real mentor, though he insists it doesn't actually effect his skill in any way. So far, he's been proven right; or at least he hasn't actually crashed into anything or run into anything serious while tipsy.

At the age of 16 he started flying support for smugglers. Perhaps he wasn't nearly as good a pilot as he made himself out to be, especially back then, but through sheer luck and grit managed to survive four pirate ambushes (or possibly bounty hunters, Trind never stopped to ask)-- although to be fair, one of those four ships was unsuccessfully defended (Trind himself figured it was better to cut and run) and another took heavy damage before escaping.

At age 18, the Galactic Rebellion was nearing its final confrontations and Trind began smuggling to rebel worlds in earnest, mostly because it was good money but partially due to rebel sympathies (though he'd hardly admit it outloud). His supply runs relied on fancy flying in small ships. He engaged with Empire forces only twice-- once a patrol of Tie Fighters got wind of his flight plan by a remote hack of his ship's computer and he had to take action, and another time his miscalculated the location of a blockade and ran into automated defenses. Both times Trind was victorious, although by the skin of his teeth.

After the Battle of Yavin, racism against Rodians diminished a fair bit, and more legitimate work opportunities became available. Trind jumped on them when they came up, eager not to be the under-trodden for a change, but found that legitimate work was much less profitable, and a lot less exciting than the work he'd done before, both for the Hutts and for the Rebellion. His alcoholism became more prominent, and he has even started gambling like his parents, and quick blaster skills have escaped him from one particularly bad debt.

Now at the age of 22, Trind has been looking for more exciting work again, but his arrogance and personality has soured a potential smuggling deal, and another bad night at cards has lost him his ship. In desperation, he managed somehow to convince a government official that he's reliable after all, (mostly by demonstration of piloting skills and staying away from the drink for a whole week) and took a job freighting supplies once more, although this time it was entirely legitimate.

In the middle of this fairly routine trip, however, things took an unexpected turn...
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Re: Monday Star Wars Table Top Game

Postby JRTheFerret » 26 Sep 2011, 15:25

No game today, got homework
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Re: Monday Star Wars Table Top Game

Postby Iunnrais » 09 Oct 2011, 09:02

Is there game tomorrow?
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Re: Monday Star Wars Table Top Game

Postby JRTheFerret » 13 Jan 2012, 22:52

Iunnrais wrote:Is there game tomorrow?

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Joined: 11 Jun 2011, 22:47

Re: Monday Star Wars Table Top Game

Postby xenorm » Yesterday, 13:53

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