RPG of the Month

Pen and Paper Role Playing Games. Discuss rules and recruit players for your games.

RPG of the Month

Postby gamedave » 08 Aug 2011, 10:25

Cape Fear Games has been running an RPG of the month program since June, but no one seems to know about it. I'm going to try to rectify that.

Every month, Cape Fear Games will feature a different RPG. Every Monday at 7pm during that month will be a free, open play demo for anyone who wants to show up and try the game. You won't need to bring anything besides your imagination. I am running these demos, and I am trying to make each session a stand-alone adventure for those who just want to drop in for a single session, while also including a plot-line that will run through all the demos in the month, for those who want to play through all the sessions.

Andrew has indicated he wants to put together some sort of package deal for those who show up for a demo and then want to buy the featured game, but as far as I know, nothing concrete has been decided on that.

The June/July RPG of the month was Green Ronin's "DC Adventures" (the store still has several copies of the core book in stock). We didn't get a big turn-out for those games, possibly because there was very little promotion for them. So, there should be plenty of room for anyone who wants to stop by tonight (August 8).

The August RPG of the Month is "Savage Worlds" from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Their new Deluxe edition is available from pre-order from the store (it is supposed to ship this month). Savage Worlds is a "multi-genre" action/adventure system with a bunch of cool setting books. I plan on using a different setting book for each demo session (August 8 - "Savage World of Solomon Kane"; August 15 - "Rippers"; August 22 - "Weird War II"). You can check out www.peginc.com for more info on Savage Worlds and all of the available settings.

Hope to see some folks tonight (ok, very short notice, so maybe by next week, if the word spreads).

-Game Dave
Posts: 22
Joined: 20 Dec 2009, 15:18

Re: RPG of the Month

Postby andrew » 09 Aug 2011, 11:46

10% off for all purchases (or preorders) of the RPG of the Month line.
-valid on RPG of the Month day only
-must attend demo to get the discount
Site Admin
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Joined: 20 Oct 2009, 13:35

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