Interest Check - D&D Encounters

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Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby Zabasaz » 14 Dec 2011, 13:28

Hello, my name is Geoff and I just moved here from Los Angeles, California in October. I've expressed interest in DMing a D&D Encounters game though I am currently waiting to get my work schedule before I commit to anything so that I know if Wednesdays can be made readily available. I've been reviewing the Crystal Cave packet and though the season is almost over I'd like to take a stab at it nonetheless, and if we move quick we can do multiple sessions a week and power through it, provided there's interested. Assuming things go well (or don't) I may consider running a homebrew setting or a Dark Sun game after or on the side of the D&D Encounters game.

The point of this thread is to gauge if anyone would be interested in participating. Post here or drop me a message and I can give you details. Thanks.
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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby loveneverfails » 14 Dec 2011, 17:05

Hi there. I'd be a beginner 100%. Well. I've played DDO (dungeons and dragons online) so i know basics, and some classes and stuff, but I've never actually played Table top. So, I'm not really sure what you mean by encounters, or homebrew, or Dark Sun, (all easily fixed by Google) but I've always wanted to join a tabletop setting. So...count one for interested. I'll try to remember to keep an eye on this thread, or I can send you my e-mail information, which i watch like a hawk. Actually, I think I'll do that.
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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby andrew » 15 Dec 2011, 11:53

Welcome to Wilmington Geoff. If there is anything we can do to help your sessions, let us know.

Loveneverfails: Encounters is a Wizards of the Coast Sponsored event at game stores across the US. Every Wednesday, a DM will present a group of new players (like yourself) an encounter. You can use pregenerated characters, or ones you make your first session with your DM to tackle the encounter. The purpose is to expose players who haven't played D&D before, or haven't played with the 4th ed rules to the world of D&D, its basic rules, etc. Let me know if you have any further questions.

I know people like Ken and a few others who played the previous encounters session, would probably be interested as well.


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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby Zabasaz » 15 Dec 2011, 14:26

Thanks very much for your accommodating welcome, Andrew, I really appreciate that. Like I said, I am waiting on my work schedule which should arrive this weekend at the very latest before I commit to anything, but I do certainly want to run this campaign module. Players interested should know that it uses various D&D Essentials books (Heroes of the Feywild seems to be their particular promotion) so you should have a look at any of those for character ideas should you wish to bring any with you to session zero for character generation if I do get this going.

With the inclusion of the poster above, I've got two players and myself DMing so far, and I need a minimum of four players to run this, so if you're interested simply let me know. I came in yesterday and noticed some players playing 4th Edition and I just wanted any of them who I talked to that might be reading this thread to know that I am willing to schedule this game so it doesn't supersede with that one, if you've got the time and would like to participate in both. Thanks for your posts.
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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby Zabasaz » 16 Dec 2011, 23:00

I got my work schedule and decided I will be arriving at Cape Fear Games and starting out Session Zero (character generation) at about 4:00 PM on Wednesday the 21st. Any player interested is welcome, I have character sheets and premades if they interest you. I don't currently have any of the books needed for character generation so if you have any and would be willing to share I appreciate that but I am sure if we're missing them, I could buy some at the store for us to use. The rules specify to use the following products in character generation:

Heroes of the Fallen Lands
Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms
Player's Option: Heroes of the Feywild

If you would like to use another book (Heroes of Shadow or one of the pre-Essentials products) I may be willing to oblige you. We'll discuss it the day of.

Make sure you bring a writing implement (preferably a pencil) and some dice. If you don't have any, there's dice to purchase at the store and I'll try and bring some pencils for you all to use. If you have any minis you'd like to share for the session, I welcome them though unless we knock out character generation quick, we may not do any actual encounters on Wednesday. (Up to you guys really.)

Hope to see a good turn out!

EDIT: On an aside, one of my players is on call to work at 6 PM so that's why I am fixing to run so early, if you can't make it by 4 PM but can later, that's completely fine. I'd prefer, however, if you made it at 4 - that way, we can all get our characters together and discuss running the first actual game session.
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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby tharaga » 19 Dec 2011, 18:59

In regards to the D&D Encounters, my son Dawson, who is 12 has been playing this for almost a year at CFG under the previous DM. He however will not be able to make it at 4pm Wednesday. The earliest he can get there any given Wednesday is 6pm due to transportation. I know that he is extremely interested in continuing with D&D and already has characters that were made earlier in the campaign. Please advise if he will be able to join in at 6pm this Wednesday and if future Wednesdays will be held at the regular time of 7pm, 6 works if necessary but any earlier won't be possible. Thanks.
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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby Zabasaz » 19 Dec 2011, 21:02

I'm going to try and run later, I'm running early this week mainly due to scheduling conflicts. I'm not running any encounters this upcoming Wednesday unless we have a lot of players asking for it, I'm just running people through character generation and giving them an intro. So if he can't make it, he won't miss very much, I'd be willing to run him through character generation the entailing week instead before the game starts. I'll see if I can make 7 PM available on Wednesday nights consistently.
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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby loveneverfails » 22 Dec 2011, 08:10

Oooooo. 7pm works reeeeeally well for me. 6 can be a pain sometimes if I'm scheded an afternoon shift. But aside for
Ast week and possibly this upcoming week I should be relatively easy. Definitely looking forward to next weeks gathering, hopefully everything went well this week and there will be one. Lol
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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby Zabasaz » 22 Dec 2011, 21:59

Well, this week we had three players arrive. Dawson said he'd make a character on the Character Builder and bring it in, Luke made a Knight, and Sarah made a Hexblade. Next Wednesday I will run at 7 PM. If you'd like to show up, Brandi, we can make a character for you before the session begins so you can play with us. That'd give us four players, which is how many I need to run.

If you have a DCI membership bring your number, if not we'll have to get one in the store, it only takes a second. I'm stoked about running this, can't wait.

PS: I bought Fallen Lands and Forgotten Kingdoms so if you don't have any books I'll bring them in for us to use and share. If you have any minis you want to use you're welcome, I don't have access to my minis so we'll be using cardboard tokens otherwise.

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Re: Interest Check - D&D Encounters

Postby loveneverfails » 27 Dec 2011, 19:32

7:00? I shall be there. I get out of work at 5:30, and i'll be driving from Jacksonville, so I'll get there probably at a quarter til... I'll TRY to get out at five, and make it there by 6:30 to do character creation, but there are no promises, unfortunately. I'll try to do a bit of research tonight so i have an idea of what i want to make to make character creation go by a little speedier.

SO EXCITED!!! This is going to make my hellish week at work almost enjoyable!

EDIT 1:Hang on, i'm afeared i misunderstood. So are you guys meeting tomorrow, Wednesday the 28th at 7:00?

EDIT 2:Just saw the date of your last post, so I assume yes, Dec the 28th at 7:00. lol see you guys then

EDIT 3: I have a firm idea in my mind of what character I will be creating, will probably just need a bit of help here and there with skill-sets and the like. Hopefully, Mr. Dawson up there isn't looking at my idea. See you guys tomorrow. :D
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