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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby glocness » 01 Oct 2013, 21:03

And so the adventure resumed when our party realized that an encroaching darkness was approaching the island; not the storm of the Crix ships, but a straight up veil of darkness that we could not see beyond. Our elven archer tried taking some shots at a mage that was near the lady holding the mask we wanted to retrieve but the mage had too much magical protection and launched a counter attack that badly wounded the elf and pushed his mind over the edge and into a full fledged panic. Thankfully our mechanic had his Jack bearhug the guy and carry him to our rescue ship which had thankfully arrived but was unable to shoot at Mr Gibbles ship and stop it from leaving before we could board it and take back our treasure. Our lich was busy throwing down salt lines to stop the darkness from aproaching for he knew it was very dark Crix style sorcery and whatever was on the other side of thhe veil wasn't good. The Trollkin spent pretty much the whole time trying to smash the demon that NECROM ate fully into the hammer (stupid thing was trying to not get eaten! Fool....) but still found time to take the trident from fishy as well as another trophy (it's head; another souvenier from this expedition for the battle standard we will eventually have made).
After some assisted "coaching" from the Trollkin (HEY BUDDY! SNAP OUTTA IT BEFORE I HURT YOU FOR REAL!!!) the elf was able to overcome his fear, look into the darkness and see that it was filled with swarms of doom skellies with executioner great axes...not the standard undead minion fare. So, we were all able to make it aboard the ship and we took off, but not before all 3 salt lines faltered against the inherit power of the sorcery veil and we were boarded by 6 of the skelies. Unbeknownst to us, a crew member of the ship had lined the entire deck and interior of the ships hull with multiple warding circles which made the undead easier to hit and damage and anyone within the circle friendly to the maker harder to hit by undeads and demons. So the elf with his mighty undead slayer blade laid waste to 4 of the skellies, the mechanic and his jack took out another while the Trollkin swung at the final one but didn't knock it down (Trollkin used all his luck up on hammer-eating the demon it seems) but we were able to knock it down before it moved again so, we're free and clear, sailing away from the island and the darkness......and the nightmare that was. Full of loot, an extra cannon, a knowledgeable (but not magicaly inclined) lich friend, 1 of the 2 artifacts we were after as a side mission and our main money makers the ARTICLE 1187's, which in the kingdom of Kador, will fetch us a hefty lump sum of cash.
Unbeknownst to us, our rescue vessel is our employers EMPLOYER and THEY wanted the mask that we were unable to get so.....yeah, this might get complicated next go round. Plus, the ship has a skeleton crew, a captain that can make mystic circles that weaken undead and infernals, a big robot thing, a small gobber whacky style type who, also unbeknownst to us, is Mr Gibbles BROTHER and a great sowrd wielding lunatic that drives others around them mad (we ran into one a short bit ago and the Trollkin made it a point to NOT take the things sword and simply smash it to atoms with NECROM). So, shnookies N fiddle-sticks batman, we got some issues to work out here!
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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby glocness » 02 Oct 2013, 07:58

OK, so, our rescuers. We began with a small vessel, a Fellblade warrior who's recently been cured from his insanity (YEAH RIGHT) but still has the blade that CAUSES him to go mad. His name is FUBAR. The boats current captain is a clockwork human gunmage cleric who is a clockwork human because of a battle in the past where he was killed by an over-cleave from, wait for it, DUT-DUH-DUH-DAAAAA: FUBAR!!! Yes, the body was beyond repair so they stuck his essence in a clockwork thingy and here I am, in charge of his "accidental killer". The wind-up-cleric is SNAFU. Also in support of us is a little green gobber who's combat style is......unique (example, he lasso'd an infernal, tripped it, bound it, knocked it out and it is now his prisoner....and his strength is almost nothing. Lil creepaziod is like a non-crippled yoda combined with a gremlin on crack!). He is also the brother of the main groups nemesis, Mr Gibbles. This lil goobers name is William Terrance Fitzgerald.....or WTF for short. SNAFU leading FUBAR and WTF. Promising?
So, the rescue voyage began with us sailing with good winds to the pick up point when we were accosted by some pirates who seemed to thhink our vessel was easy pickings. Long story short we ran them off, killed their big boys, a big ol mean Jack and sank their ship when they tried to run from us after FUBAR cleaved half their entire crew in one round but not before they were able to take out 7 of the original 13 crew on OUR ship. So, now we got a skelleton crew....yay. Moving on. Later on in the voyage, we noticed a white fleet slightly off vector to us but seemingly heading in the same direction and we notice that not only do they have a little TOO favorable wind conditions, but chanting could be heard from the fleet (20 strong, even mix of troop ships and naval combat vessels). We hailed them, they turned out to be religious nut jobs who you either join or die, so we faked the good funk, joined in, posted ourselves on the fleets flank, enjoyed the wind and extra speed....until 2 Crix war cruisers were sighted bearing down on our position.
Most of the fleet broke off to make short work of this nominal threat (holy boys and the crix undead cyborgs don't mix well; to the death style) but FUBAR noticed a MAAAAAAAAASIVE shape under the water that litterally rocked our boat, heading straight for the middle of the religious fleet. We were able to fire a "warning cannon ball" onto the deck of their nearest command vessel after firing a few blank shots to make noise and get their attention (contained a message saying, "DANGER" basically). No sooner than the fleet had semi-regrouped than a gynormous tentacled monster with cyborg parts, cannons and lasers/tesla coils emerged from the water and began eating ships. We tried our best to assist with the limited crew and a big artiliery robot we had below deck but the cybo-kraken (yes, that's LITTERALLY what it was) left a parting gift as is passed under us; submersible life boats containing loads of trollkin, troll and ogerith warrior boarding parties...they even left some for almost half the fleet we later figured out.
So, FUBAR went to work dropping bodies while SNAFU was (suckily) multi-tasking managing the firepower of the artilery droid below and doing what he could to assist FUBAR, but ended up getting dropped..again (yeah, forgot; the pirates didn't like his shooting them and lighting them on fire with special shots so they took him down and kept killing the crewmen who came to "wind me back up" or, fix him which dropped us to our current crew of 3). The battle was won, but the religious fleet suffered 11 lost ships out of 20 vs the crix losing their kraken and 2 cruisers. So, onward to the island.
We arrived and things were in chaos shortly after seeing a group of adventurers fighting off undead, possessed advanturers, another group of holy-what-they-hey mixed band boarding a ship that had beached, manned by horn headed humanoids, that was being shot at by a light artilery cannon manned by MORE horn headed humanoids.....but, SNAFU was able to spot the dwarf he was here to pick up so he B-lined the ship in to pick up the crew. They boarded, some darkness fell in around us while we picked up speed (oh yeah, the religious fleet had seen the Crix black fleet on the other side of the island and zoomed off to their holy war thing...GOOD LUCK, GOOD BYE, GOOD RIDDANCE! :-) ) and we were boarded by some nightmarish skellies. So, now yer all caught up :-)
Welcome to the insanity!
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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby glocness » 02 Oct 2013, 08:30

Oh yeah, side note: while FUBAR realy does MEAN well, he has control issues with his sword: the last time that SNAFU dropped....was because FUBAR over-cleaved....again. Running jokes thus far:
"Man, who teamed me up with the guy who killed me in the first place?!?!"
"Sheesh; bad enough you killed me and put me in this shell in the first place but now you gotta wreck this body too? C'mon man!"
And, for the RvB fans out there, FUBAR = CABOOSE and SNAFU = CHURCH
"NO!! Don't let CABOOSE help me!!!"
Shortcut key for recording team kills? "CONTROL F-U"
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Location: Wilmington, NC

Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby anstruther » 10 Oct 2013, 22:24

Do you guys have a spot open at your table for another player?

I've been playing D&D since the 80's. Not that much lately, but I'd like to get back into it. I have also played Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, etc. Eventually I'd like to start a World of Darkness: Mage campaign.


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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby glocness » 11 Oct 2013, 08:12


Yes, our table is open to new players, for any of our games. Current on going games are Iron Kingdoms and D&D NEXT/5th edition (or whatever everyone is calling it now). Up coming games will include AD&D 2nd edition and Palladium. If you want to try hosting/DMing/GMing your own game, feel free to bring it up at a game session, for this group is pretty open about such things.
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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby glocness » 11 Oct 2013, 08:45

And now, Iron Kingdoms: Group A (the elf, the trollkin, the dwarf and the human with his robot) went about their buisness cashing in on their riches (a rarity in this world...riches that is) and upgraded their gear. The trollkin adjusting his new sword, an old spear and of course proudly hefting his doom-giving hammer NECROM (can't upgrade it sadly as it's magical :-( ). The elf blew his wad on something spectacular (must have been, it ate up all his currency like a rabid wolverine at a buffet table after animal LENT!), the dwarf is still deciding on what to get and as such is still lingering about the shops like a man with short term memory disorder while the human upgraded his robot and only got a few minor trinkets for himself. After all this, the trollkin, elf and human decided to go for the real payday cash in; the transport and sale of the ARTICLE 1187's to their home country of KADOR. We decided to hop a train to save time hopping across the border like a couple of legal stowaways, jumping at the first station and taking off on foot, for it seems Kador border customs got fired and there's more security inside the country than on the borders and we'd attract a lot of attention from local banditry who terrorize the local train routes.....odd. But, traveling cross country on foot with a nice big wagon being pulled by a large bison we decided to call ROADY we passed through a particularly wet area (AREA was wet, road was still a road) when these kermit-crocodile-lizzard things decided they wanted a bite to eat.
Necrom was only ever so happy to feed them magical toothed rock-to-the-face sandwhiches while the elf was busy rapidly plucking off the sorry sobs as they came close to the wagon. This fight was not without suprises though. For instance, the trollkin thought these weapon wielding wonders of evolution would be a breeze, but the problem is they possess the one weapon that is always effective against him despite it's primitivness: A BITE ATTACK. Yes that's right, one of them got smart and tried taking a chomp and wouldn't you know, just like every other biting lunatic frothing at the mouth foe we've come across, this one scores a crit and drops the poor guy (cue theme music...) ...of course he bounced right back up and swung the things spinal colum so far through it's body that bones were popping out of it's kneecaps. 4 of the kermits actally made it to the wagon, 2 attacked the elf and 2 others attempted to raid it..but when they opened the tarp they observed our cart driver, team alchemist/knowledge guru/emergency medic/alchemist/general freak show Mr skeletor the lich glaring at them. He goes "BOOGA BOOGA BUYOYOYOYOYOYOYO!!!" and one of them dropped from the wagon and ran running and piddling itself through the swamps while the other was drastically confused by this and slumped out of the wagon and joined it's (now) dead bretheren in trying to get the elf. There was a shaman in the enemy group but the elf made quick work of em.
So the trollkin chopped off the head of the shaman, skeletor took the skull out and we propped the skull on the shamans stick which in turn we propped on the wagon as a warning to all who wanna get some. Warning didn't work too good however as we exited the swampy area we were acosted by a band of blighted elves, their gynormous berserker cyborg thingy, a few freaky flying cyborg thingies and a few other freaky cyborg thingies as well. Unfortunately the gynormous thing has not only a halacious breath weapon but that weapon has a just as halacious breaking ranks we charged in, narly got eliminated (were it not for some amazingly timed critical hits by the trollkin and the human wih some demon bone alchemical eldritch bullets) but ended up pulling through just in time to see more of these blighted folks coming in to support their fallen bubbas.

TEAM B: After the dissapointing report to our superiors that we were unable to secure the cursed mask of leadership from the isle with the Crix battle, we were sent to investigate some local grave robbery that was giving some churches a bad name. We found a cerial killer who was begining ties to a criminal organization who might be behind it, decapitated his phone (phone was a runic mummy and it moved.....whadya want from us?), got what information we could then went back to base dropped him off, went to the church, found some grave robbers in a mosuleum, beat them down then went back to base AGAIN but this time to question the infernal that WTF had captured. Little info was gained as this infernal was ENJOYING the torturous captivity we were inflicting upon it, but it agreed to some of our demands if we went down to the docks and requested to a returning religious nutt warship (from the isle battle we ran from....guess they were victorious) that they transport the demon back to the isle. WTF and SNAFU decided to make the negatiotiations while FUBAR watched over the infernal. Upon arrival, SNAFU boarded the ship after no replies were gotten for the request, and stepped into an axe swung by a doomherald (the skelly executioners that were poppin out of the black veil back at the isle with the crix fleet in the middle of it). Things did not go well as SNAFU went down while WTF went to get FUBAR and rescue SNAFU (SNAFU was alive, just couldn't do anything).

At least that's how I remember it...been a few days so some details escape me.

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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby anstruther » 11 Oct 2013, 09:03


Do you know which game you will be playing next week? Should I come with a character pre-made?
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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby Qwefg » 11 Oct 2013, 10:15

Iron Kingdom recap help.

Kador is the current country bent on military conquest and the Article 1185 is a rare weapon. So carrying that through Kador would attract Kador's enemies who would want to prevent Kador from getting this special shipment of weapons.

The Blighted elves are part of the infect group of snow elves bound to a hive mind control by Everblight (Smart and powerful dragon in dragon shard form/heart) and the monsters with them where biological dragon like monsters. In short Cryx use undead and cyborgs bit attached. Everblight uses body horror and eldritch combination.

As for Team B... after the infernal told them to visit the ship they found out that the ship was Cryx infested. SNAFU was attacked as the undead started to get off the ship and prepare to invade five fingers. SNAFU jumped off the ship as he and WTF ran for it. WTF alerted the Convergence of Cryss (The group they work for) and managed to get FUBAR to come. Then they started battle against a group of 6 skelly executioners with a captain version wielding 2 axes with a large one wielding one large axe.)

The battle went rough as they managed to bring three of the skellies down before FUBAR and SNAFU went down. WTF managed to doge the attacks and repair SNAFU as he helped get FUBAR back up. Then the battle continued as FUBAR and SNAFU attacked the undead while WTF started trying to tie up fallen undead. The battle ended with all of the undead defeated expect the undead captain version which they managed to capture and brought back to their base.

What well happen next? Will they find out more about the group called the Necros 13 who stole the mask? Will they find out the reason for the undead attack? Will team A manage to transport their items without any more problems? Find out next time on Iron Kingdoms.

P.S. I have spare characters for those who want to play. If you have your own than we can see if that one works for the current game which shouldn't be much of a problem. I also can help people make characters if they want to.
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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby glocness » 12 Oct 2013, 02:49


We get together on both mondays and tuesdays, at cape fear games around 430pm. Monday will definitely be an Iron Kingdoms night and Tuesday is up in the air between D&D NEXT and Iron Kingdoms; depending on attendance. Spare characters are made so make one if you want, it just has to be a story relevant/reasonable character (meaning a half giant joining a bunch of giant killing dwarves, for example, is a little TOO far fetched, or a blighted elven cyborg alchemist caster joining either team A or B in Iron Kingdoms...again, a little too much of a stretch. Lets the DM's know what style you play and they'll have or will make something in accordance with that style).
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Re: Monday MIXERS

Postby anstruther » 13 Oct 2013, 21:00


Thanks for the info. I looked over the rules a bit and made a character, an Alchemist mage hunter, but I can certainly switch if needed. See you tomorrow.
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Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 13:18


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