Valacia Campaign Notes

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Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 15:07

This thread is for storing facts about the world in which my D&D campaign exists in. See this thread for campaign session notes.

The Kingdom of Valacia

(Alas, photobucket seems to be adding a bit extra compression to the file no matter how I try otherwise. It's still mostly readable)

Capital City
  • Bellas (pop roughly 500,000)
    • Currently Ruled by King Baltes VIII
    • His family members tend to hold only personal manor houses (and their surrounding villages, of course) but mostly live at court anyway.
    • There is a largish population of minor nobles that also live at court.

Duchies and their Counties (in order of court precedence)
  • Myrcrest, Ruled by ArchDuke Myrkan
    • Falconspike, Ruled by Count Pailer
    • Amberway, Ruled by Count Arili
      Food supplier for most of the Kingdom
    • Therdale, Ruled by Count Laupe
  • Stelville, Ruled by ArchDuke Stellan
    • Thorncrest, Ruled by Count Tellus
      Home of the Mage's Guild
      • Thingate Canal, Ruled by Baron Cedry
      • Wellpit, Ruled by Baron Rium
      • Valwick, Ruled by Baron Acian
        Ancestral Capital of the Kingdom (very historical but not politically powerful)
    • Pinedale, Ruled by Count Kerwin
      House Kerwin once ruled the southeastern coast, but was driven back during a war 600 years ago
  • Veripole, Ruled by ArchDuke Veritas
    • Lydel, Ruled by Count Lynus
      Largest Port City, home of several Merchant Houses
      • Dacry, Ruled by Baron Imbri
      • Kerville, Ruled by Baron Jonat
      • Ellport, Ruled by Baron Lystra
Last edited by Iunnrais on 21 Jun 2012, 14:26, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 15:08

Northern Territories of Valacia

Notable Towns and Geographic Features
  • Northolt City, Ruled by Count Tovete
    More accurately stated: Ruled by various street gangs
    • Holt Wood
      Rich in wild game, and in bandits
    • Sinster River
      "Said" to contain a Kraken, much as the real world Loch Ness is "said" to contain a Plesiosaur
    • Sohar Wood
      Definitely contains zombies and other monsters
    • Sohar River
      Main Route to Midhar Post
  • Fort Esterwall, Ruled by Count Dentaiar
    Has higher prominence during war with the dwarves
  • Midhar Post, Ruled by Captain Lars
    Mostly just a watchpost with a fortified inn
    • Har Wastes
      Dragon Infested, frequent sandstorms
    • Mount Hargast
      • The Iron Tower, Ruled by Maekrix Hargast (Dragon)
        Beneath the Iron Tower is the Well of Storms, where the god Forseth has been battling a Lovecraftian Horror for the past year
      • Har Pen
        Little is known about this smaller mountain peak
      • Har Del
        The apparent epicenter and source of many of the sandstorms that blast across the Har Wastes on a regular basis
    • Har Wood
      Unexplored. Maekrix Hargast and his/her/its children(?) do not pass over this forest in their rangings
    • Joyhar Wood
      Unexplored. Maekrix Hargast and his/her/its children(?) do not travel south of this forest in their rangings
  • Silner, Ruled by Mayor Deegan Bays
    Has trouble with Faeries
    • Sylvan Road
      Citizens of Silner are attempting to build a road through Sylvia Forest to reach Vaedijhal (Elven Kingdom)
    • Woad Fen
      Former home of the Woad Witch, a powerful Fairy of the Winter Court
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Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 16:54

Sinster Range, Domain of the Necromancer


What Everyone Knows

  • The Sinster Range is the home of The Necromancer, and is flooded with the undead.
  • The Necromancer occasionally still attacks Valacia, the most recent occasion being the War of the 7 Lich Kings, which was won before the 70 legions of undead made it past Stelville.
    • As such, most people discount The Necromancer as an immediate threat to the world. Much like most Americans view North Korea-- scary, but not direly immediate, and probably won't really try anything. It's been 10,000 years since he holed himself up, after all, and only minor breakout attempts.
  • In addition to the undead, Orcs live in the Sinster range.
    • Orcs are barbaric to the point of barely being sentient.
    • Their intelligence can be rated at the level of rabid gorillas. Their "huts" and "villages" are little more than grass nests.
    • Orcs are dangerous, vicious monsters, who slaughter each other at the drop of a hat, rape anything that moves, and drink the blood of human children.
    • Orcs have not been seen or heard from in roughly 10,000 years. All reports are from explorers and adventurers.
  • Small holdouts of human villages still hide amongst the valleys in the Sinster Range.
    • Presumably this is where the Orcs get their human children to drink the blood of?
    • These villagers live in constant fear and terror, and are adept at hiding their villages.

What History Knows
There are ten Lich Kings who rule various sections of the Sinster Range. They rarely leave the mountains, and are remembered mostly from moldy books describing the original War with the Necromancer.

They are:
  • Landin, appearing as a 10 year old boy with one eye socket completely empty, weeping blood
    • The Lost One, Child of Tears, He of the Red Gaze, Song's End, the Sovereign of Frozen Fire, Lord of the Ghostly Shroud, the Decrepit Dawn, Wielder of the White Staff
  • Alayna, appearing as an 11 year old girl with the skin of an ancient crone and long white hair, missing in places on her scalp
    • Queen of Terror, Flower of Fear, Whisperer to the Grave, Hag of the Yellow Cliffs, Dream Thorn, The Lady of Luck, Caller to the Abyss, The Summoner
  • Janelle, appearing as a 12 year old girl with completely charred and cracking skin that bleeds with her every movement
    • Bloody Elle, the Crimson Heart, the Unclean, the Defiler, Hagraven of the West, Daughter of Cracks, the Flame of Disease, Lady of Blood, Queen of Plague
  • Kendrick, appearing as a 13 year old boy with half his flesh removed; the other half looks normal
    • Blade of Panic, Lord of Lies, the Mists of Malus, the Black Wind
  • Reina, appearing as a 14 year old girl with eyes and mouth stitched closed, a hole where the nose would be, and body completely covered in scars
    • Queen of Knives, the Sightless, the Voiceless, the Wandering Hag, Witch of the Circle Mountains, She of the White Path, Mistress of the Skywand
  • Malachi, appearing as a 15 year old boy with a hole where his face would be, leaving just the inside of the back of his skull to look at you
    • The Hollow Man, King of the Broken Crown, Lord of Emptiness, Merciless Master, the Cruel One, Bringer of Echoes
  • Finley, appearing as a bald 16 year old boy with whithered flesh, no tongue, no eyes, and sagging skin that lacks any meat between it and his bones
    • The Seventh Word, The Stripped Storm, Shard of Palantis, Thief of the Rising Sun, Namer of Ages, Serpent of the Sky's Reflection
  • Kelanus, appearing as a 17 year old man missing a fourth of his skull, with insects living where his brain would be
    • Lord of Worms, King of Halves, Famine Lord, Voidlock, Fatigue of Fate, Legacy of Dust
  • Marisol, appearing as a beautiful 18 year old woman from the front, but completely skeletal from the rear
    • The Glass Queen, The Tarnished Mirror, Argent Abnegation, the Lonely Solipsist, She Who Walks Dreaming
  • Adriana, appearing as a 19 year old woman completely covered in a black veil
    • The Unseen Witch, Lady Ironhand, Widow of Suppuration, the Loathly Veil
  • Khalid, appearing as a 20 year old man with shards of bone extruding from his skin
    • The Finger of Death, Reaper of All, Whitestare, Veskbane, the Last
Last edited by Iunnrais on 28 Jan 2013, 10:49, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 16:55

The Esterwall, Kingdom of Dwarves


Dwarven Cities of the Esterwall
Arranged by Clan
  • Capital: Vhardum
    Seat of Dhunvari
    • Hsardsow
    • Khodhall
    • Dhunesi
  • High Hold: Khlire
    Seat of Lhari
    • Pits of Slagh
    • Khelme
    • Ikhebow
    • Sohis
  • High Hold: Vhalemardhum
    Seat of Mardokhi
    • Mheldis
    • Markhis
    • Ahrmehel
    • Dhelim
    • Ghekhal
  • Low Hold: Valimbri
    Seat of Imi
    • Norimbri
    • Soimbri
    • Imbrii
  • Low Hold: Kharus
    Seat of Khari
    • Novhar
  • Low Hold: Lokh Stera
    Seat of Sterali
    • Lokhivar
    • Kheles
    • Kharit
    • Khid
    • Steravar
    • Khelvar
    • Bhekivar
  • Fortress: Ghavarhal
    • Ghassmar
    • Vhicevhar
    • Hlokari

Dwarven Society
Dwarven Society is highly structured, and based on two factors of birth: Clan and Caste. The Caste system is fairly strict, but it is possible for a dwarf to rise or fall from one caste to another due to extraordinary deeds, usually involving warfare. Interestingly enough, it is also possible, and arguably easier in some cases, to change your Clan than caste, and is usually done for purposes of marriage. Clan changes are accomplished by performing a trial set by the clan heads-- the difficulty of the trial generally reflects the status of the clan at that time. It is also possible for a human, or other race, to partake in these trials-- in which case they will be legally considered dwarves for most purposes.

(Note that there are no marriage alliances between clans, you are either a member of one clan or another, and those that leave one clan to join another are considered dead by their former family.)

There are six dwarf clans, ranked in order. The order of the ranking can change over time as clans gain or lose honor and reputation. The current rankings are:
  • Dhunvari - Translated "Volcano Dwarves" (lit "People of the Magma River"), current Royal House
  • Lhari - Translated "Deep Dwarves" (lit "People of the Long Dark")
  • Mardokhi - Translated "Mountain Dwarves" (lit "People of the High Peaks")
  • Imi - Translated "Lake Dwarves" (lit "People of Tears")
  • Khari - Translated "Hill Dwarves" (lit "People of Grain")
  • Sterali - Translated "Eastern Dwarves" (lit "People of the Dawn")

There are eight main castes in dwarven society, most of which are split further. For purposes of precedence, these splits only count in terms of "ties".
  • Ulkheisse - Royalty
    • Kheissar - Seated Ruler
    • Narkheissi - Royal Slaves
    • Kheissen - Immediate Family of Ruler
  • Ulmair - Military Commanders / Nobility
    • Alkheissar - Family of Ruler
    • Mair - Generals
    • Lheissar - Relatives of Ruler
    • Other military officers, in order of rank
  • Uldara - Dragon Handlers
    • Uldarakh - Dragon Rider
    • Daranit - Dragon Trainer
    • Daralin - Apprentice Dragon Handler
  • Ulse'ein - Sages
    • Nashti - Priests/Wizards ("People of the Gods")
    • Vhashti - Scholars ("People of the Books")
    • Dhuni - Smiths ("People of Fire")
    • Lokhi - Merchants ("People of Gold")
  • Ulkhelost - Laborers
    • Lhelit - Miners ("Shapers of Darkness")
    • Ghalas - Builders ("Ancients")
    • Dhilit - Weavers ("Shapers of Warmth")
  • Ulmantin - Soldiers
  • Ulkhasi - Farmers ("People of Light")
  • Ulnai - Criminal

Societal position, as mentioned, is a combination of Clan and Caste. The combination of the two is an extremely complicated situation that feels entirely intuitive to dwarves. For outsiders, this handy chart may by useful:
Higher numbers indicate higher position. The degree of difference between two dwarves indicates how much the lower dwarf is obligated to obey the higher dwarf.
Last edited by Iunnrais on 04 Jun 2012, 15:23, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 18:24

Vaedijhal, Kingdom of Elves

The Kingdom of Vaedijhal was not always completely isolated from the rest of the world, as it is now. Caravans led by carefully selected and trained Elven Scouts would bring shipments of magical trinkets... and weapons... down to trade with Valacia. This is the only known source of magical weapons in the world-- the Eladrin also create magical items, but almost never weaponry, preferring armors and novelties such as enchanted rings.

Elves rarely leave their Kingdom, and rarely talk about it. The following accounts are from merchants who have visited.

The entire Kingdom of Vaedijhal consists of a single city estimated to be at least five times larger than Northolt in size, surrounded by a mysterious forest known as Silvia. Silvia is tremendous in size, stretching from horizon to horizon when viewed from the treetops, and is very confusing in its topography. Orientation is nearly impossible, and it is very easy to simply walk in circles for days-- thus, Elven Guides are utterly required for traversing it.

The city itself is wondrous to behold. Their architecture favors very tall, spindly buildings with obsessive levels of ornamentation, often covered in glass windows or simply faceted with multi-colored mirrors. Their marketplaces are laid out with massive mozaics in the very street, utilizing colored stones to depict pictures or merely patterns.

The city seems to be laid out according to pattern. On the outside of the city are structures that are starkly simple in design, with subtle ornamentation that bespeaks true beauty. As you head inwards, the ornamentation because more elaborate, but somehow less effective-- garish even. At some point, the ornamentation becomes even more elaborate, but also more skilled, making the elaborations more aesthetically pleasing. At the very center of the city is a massive palace that towers over everything else, stretching up to the very sky and seemingly made entirely out of emerald-- or at least green glass.

Elven law seems strange to us. Amongst the few items of law that were explained, there is to be no worship of any deity, with the penalty being severe ridicule. Other laws we were made aware of included the care of gardens (neglect or harm to a flower could mean imprisonment in a hanging cage above the marketplace-- the cages were seen during trade, but none were occupied in our view) and rules about public dueling (private duels were outlawed, but public ones were encouraged-- the government even offered prizes for victors).
Last edited by Iunnrais on 15 Aug 2012, 12:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 18:29

Kingdoms of the Coral Sea

Little is known of the other Kingdoms sharing a shore with the Coral Sea at this time, other than that other species fare from lands across the waters, such as Halflings. Merchant traders bring back only rumors of the places they trade with.
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Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 18:31

Deities of the First Prime Nexial Material Plane, within Assiah

Everyone knows that:
  • The gods are divided into three opposing camps, locked in an eternal conflict over gaining worshipers.
    • Good
    • Neutral
    • Evil
  • Good and Evil are locked in direct conflict, while Neutral adds their power to either side in order to keep the balance
  • Priests of each of the three factions believe that the leader of their faction is the ruler of all the gods. This is the source of much theological dispute, and historically, much armed conflict and outright war.

Good Deities
  • Allura, Lady of Life, Proclaimed Queen of the Gods --- Engaged in Petty Squables with Vesk
  • Custos, Sun God of Preservation --- Tending to his people, apparently believing the others will take care of the fae
    • Domains: Sun, Fire, Seasons, Harvest
      Lately, Custos' hold of the Seasons seems to be slipping. Something dire is happening in the heavenlies...
    • Patron of Farmers
    • Places of worship mostly consist of simple churches constructed of local materials. Most villages will have a church to Custos.
    • Local Pastors have direct authority over their flocks, and vote by correspondence over issues of doctrine or greater concerns.
      • In times of dire need, Custos himself (not the Pastors) will raise up farmers as Paladins.
    • Worship involves prayer, weekly services, and simple moralistic behavior.
  • Avara, Guardian of the Land (NG) --- In danger of being enslaved
    • Domains: Nature, Time, Mountain, Wisdom
    • Patron of Forests, Animals, Rangers, and Hermits
    • Places of worship consist of gardens, the grander of which include giant elaborate glass cathedrals (greenhouses), but in their simplest form can be a ring of trees in a meadow
    • Priestly Hierarchy is simple, and is based on apprenticeship. A Priest or Priestess will have apprentices, while also being the apprentice to a much older master. Theoretically, if a master were to survive long enough, there could be a Grand Master, but as the current masters are typically centenarians, it is unlikely that this will happen.
    • Worship primarily revolves around meditation
  • Eoralla, Lady of Love (and Lust) --- Enslaved by the fae
    • Domains: Love, Fertility, Darkness, Music
    • Patron of Youth, Passion, Couples, and Marriage
    • Eoralla is strange in that she is considered to be both a Good goddess, and an Evil one, depending on who you ask. The opinion of the majority is that she is evil, but a significant minority strive to raise awareness of her goodness. These consider her evil side to be a perversion of her true self.
      • Eoralla's good temples are fairly simple constructions, lacking the wealth for anything very elaborate.
    • The Good Priesthood of Eoralla emphasize marriage, and focus on love, passion, and music. They utilize traditional Priests/Priestesses.
    • Worship is in expressing love, fidelity, and joy.
  • Forseth, Builder of Civilization (LG) --- Fighting a Pseudonatural
    • Domains: Community, Law, Charity, Travel
    • Patron of all who dwell in cities
    • Places of worship include massive cathedrals of impressive architectural design
    • Priestly Hierarchy is quite structured, with Novices, Deacons, Priests, Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals, and the Chief Cardinal
    • Worship typically involves civic holidays, partaking of alcoholic beverages in moderation, engaging in commerce, and especially construction of large projects

Neutral Deities
  • Kolos, Lord of Balance, Proclaimed King of the Gods --- Questing
    • Domains: Peace, Creation, Crafts, Labor
    • Patron of craftsmen, laborers, makers, peacekeepers, guards, and diplomats
    • Places of Worship include large industrial buildings, as well as smaller shrines in individual homes or places of business
    • Priests are self-inspired individuals who decide to honor Kolos more than he asks for. As such, organization is loose, and shifts depending on the devotion of the priest in question.
      • In general, the more devoted the priest, the more weight their views are given amongst other priests (and congregants). But charisma does play a part as well, and politics (as well as corruption) have been known to exist.
    • Unique amongst the gods in that Kolos often seems to aid and assist mortals without cause. However, Kolos is known to enjoy the building of things and communities, the more elaborate the plans the more favored.
      • Thus the paradox-- without direction for exactly how to worship him, almost all Kolos worship is spontaneous and undirected. And yet, the more elaborate, disciplined, and planned out the worship, the better it is considered.
      • This tend to lead to situations where devotees will be struck by random inspiration, and then dedicate days, months, years, or the rest of their lives to the implementation of the inspiration in question.
      • And yet, Kolos offers no additional help to those who honor him more, and no less help to those who honor him less. He seems to pick who he wants to help according to his own methods, despite acknowledging that he does desire creative efforts.
  • Malakath, Wind of Chaos, Self-Proclaimed Rightful King of the Gods in Exile --- Enslaved by the Fae
    • Domains: Chaos, Sea, Thunder, Strength
    • Patron of Sailors and Fishermen
    • Places of Worship include stone circles built at the top of sea-cliffs, great temples on windswept island mountains, and sanctified volcano culverts; but the use of temples dedicated to other gods is not unheard of
      • In truth, regular devotion to Malakath often happens in bars and taverns.
    • Devotion to Malakath tends to be about personal devotion, and a Priest is anyone who knows a ritual for the moment-- but the most dedicated followers become WIndriders: Champions of Malakath, they are said to fly and bring great destruction wherever they go. Windriders have not been seen near Valacia in centuries.
    • Worship involves prayer and understanding. Amongst the tenets of belief are that: things that exist limit reality by excluding that which does not exist, and chaos is the greatest of all creativity.
  • Baline, Master of the Forge --- Enslaved by the Fae
  • Yet Unnamed, God of Woodworking --- Okay.
  • Yet Unnamed, God of Magic --- Threatened by the Fae
  • Vigil Ryathesu, the Watcher at the Gate --- Watching. Eternally Watching.
    • Domains: Knowledge, Time, Sun, Science
    • Oracle of the gods
    • Vigil Ryathesu has no temples, but statues and idols of him depict him as a withered, atrophied old man sitting on a throne surrounded by several orbiting orbs
    • Not directly worshiped by any mortal organization. Priests of other religions may ask knowledge from Vigil Ryathesu... for a price.
      • Typically burnt sacrifice, self-mutilation, or impoverishment
    • Note: Ioun stones were invented by an Elf who blinded herself as sacrifice to this god
  • Vamir, the Masked God --- Trying to unify the gods
    • Domains: Secrets, Moon, Luck, Thievery
    • Patron of Thieves, Beggars, Spies, Liars, Drunks, Prostitutes, Actors, Entertainers, and Assassins
    • Places of worship include rooftops, back alleys, and the clandestine use of the temples of other gods
      • There is rumored to exist a single hidden temple to Vamir, but no one has seen it or knows where it is
    • Priestly Hierarchy is utterly secretive, indistinguishable from regular worshipers
    • Worship typically involves the generous gathering of information-- and miserly dispersal of the same

Evil Deities
  • Vesk, Lord of the Dead, Proclaimed King of the Gods
  • Caunglimamor, God of Murder --- Doing fine
    • Domains: Death, Madness, Pain, Blood
    • Patron of Murderers, Assassins, Torturers, and Monsters
    • Places of worship are banned in all known civilisations. Temples have been reported to exist in remote, savage areas, but little is known about them.
    • Has few formal worshippers, amongst which include madmen, assassins, and savage barbarians in remote locations. Leadership consists of what amount to witchdoctors.
      • Champions of Caunglimamor have been known to exist, causing vast amounts of slaughter. It is rumored that these champions litterally become monsters in form as well as deed.
    • Worship involves ritual murder, blood sacrifice, torture, and so forth.
  • Krov, God of War --- Doing goood
    • Domains: War, Order, Wealth, Wisdom
    • Patron of Soldiers, Mercenaries, and the Military Industrial Complex
    • Temples invariably double as fortresses. The walls of Fort Esterwall itself is one of the largest temples to Krov in existence.
    • The Priesthood of Krov are all professional soldiers, typically with higher ranks in the military bestowing higher ranks in the priesthood, with rare exceptions for significant military prowess
      • Krov was personally involved in the War with the Necromancer. There is theological debate as to whether he was mortal at the time, but all historical records agree that he was there, and wielded a massive Battleaxe named either Strife or Strive (ancient spelling being what it was, records are unclear on this, and debates continue).
    • Worship involves the deliberate acts of war and all its trappings, especially those that involve monetary gains (such as ransom, tribute, and the sale of weapons) or those that involve brilliant military manuevers. Krov values skill and intelligence over brute strength.
      • There are dark rumors that excessive devotion to Krov literally transforms you into a monster, but as the worship of Krov is expressly allowed by the Kingdom due to its usefulness in times of war, such rumors are actively squelched.
  • Eoralla, Lady of Lust (and Love) --- Enslaved by the fae
    • Domains: Love, Fertility, Darkness, Music
    • Patron of Youth, Prostitutes, Passion, and Adulterers
    • Temples can be found in every major city-- Brothels.
      • The fact that they are temples to a goddess does not change that they are brothels in the eyes of most of the populace
    • The most common Priesthood of Eoralla are more or less Pimps. There are sects, however, that downplay the sex and focus more on love, passion, and music, which have more traditional Priests/Priestesses. These sects are rarer (and less popular).
    • The goddess herself visits individuals on a fairly regular basis, and most men are eager for a night of sheer bliss.
    • Worship is as you might imagine.
  • Ragash, Goddess of Rage --- In danger
    • Domains: Chaos, War, Strength, Fear
    • Patron of Berzerkers, Brawlers, and those who Hate
      • Ragash is said to be the owner of the Tarrasque, whom she keeps as a pet. Others suggest that she is the Tarrasque.
    • Cult temples are few, but exist in secret-- dark lairs filled with sweat, smoke, and hot dim braziers.
    • Most followers have no priest, but merely acquiesce to the rage in their hearts. Devoted followers can be known by their extensive tattoos.
    • Worship involves brutal street fights.

Mythological Gods
Ancient deities that are no longer worshiped, so far as anyone knows
  • Wurunis Gix, The Dream Claw, Dragon God of Justice
    • Domains: Darkness, Good, Moon, Dragons
    • Said to be a figure that sends you nightmare specifically for the purpose of causing you to turn away from evil, towards good.
    • In the modern day, depicted as a Faerie in the form of a Black Stallion-- mostly for the purposes of being the King of Nightmares. Historical records show primitive peoples worshiped this deity as being in the form of a dragon whose body appeared to be a window in space through which you could see stars.
Last edited by Iunnrais on 06 Aug 2012, 20:59, edited 13 times in total.
Posts: 164
Joined: 11 Sep 2011, 19:50

Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 19:54

The Known Multiverse

A bit more complicated than Greyhawk's "Great Wheel"

What Scholars Know
You've had a year, I'm sure at least Pendarric has looked into a little of this
  • Almost all of existence is comprised of primal elements arranged on a multidimensional grid, of which there are 7 known dimensions.
    • On the other hand, it is accepted that there are probably more than 7, we just don't know HOW MANY more than 7
  • The three obvious dimensions are Height, Length, and Depth, and collectively known as "Assiah".
    • Assiah contains what we think of as the Universe. Within the Universe are many Stars, around which are many Planets... or possibly the other way around? Scholars are uncertain on this point, and debate it furiously.
    • Our planet is known as Terrestria.
    • (Names of other Stars and Planets are up to whoever wants to submit them)
  • Time is known as Yetzirah
    • Within time exist infinite versions of Assiah, each variations of different possibilities
    • The possibilities are constructed out of Past, Present, and Future
      • The Past exists in a state that can be accessed in the form of the Etherial Plane
      • The Present, which you might think you see anyway, has a form independent of the Past and Future that can be accessed in the form of the Astral Plane
      • The Future exists in a state that can be accessed in the form the the Shadow Plane
        The Shadow Plane of our Prime Material has been tainted by dark magic, which could eventually spread to the Astral and then the Etherial, not only destroying the world, but destroying the world as if it had never existed. Hopefully, this will never happen, although there are signs that the infection is already spreading to the Astral now... sickness and plague being only amongst the first signs. According to Prophecy, the Eternal Storm will be another, and it may already be gathering.
  • A "World" as we know it is called a Prime Nexial Material Plane, within Assiah.
    • Ours in particular is known as the First Prime Nexial Material Plane, within Assiah
      • Nexial: The realised focus, or Nexus, of many possibilities
      • First: We live in it, we get to number any other Primes in relationship to us. They'd likely do the same to us, but as far as we're concerned, we're "First".
      • Prime: The higher dimensional components are uniquely combined to a single entity that cannot be divided. In our case, Past, Present, and Future.
      • Material: The result is tangible
      • Plane: A slice of a higher dimension
      • Within Assiah: The dimensionality of the slice. Theoretically, you could have a prime within Yetzirah, or higher, but the result would be bizarre beyond our comprehension.
  • The 5th dimension is known as Briah.
    • The difference in these dimensions comprise varying changes in the laws of physics and magic.
    • As the possibilities are endless, it would be impossible to list every possible world existing in Briah. But rest assured, each world within Briah also possesses its own set of Assiah and Yetzirah.
    • Amidst the worlds we DO know of, include:
      • The Abyss
      • The Nine Hells
      • All the Elementals Planes
  • The 6th Dimension is known as Atziluth.
    • The difference between these dimensions includes the mathematics on which physics are derived-- the rules of logic themselves.
    • Almost nothing is known about the worlds that can be accessed via Atziluth
    • Magical experiments have proven that it is currently impossible to travel through Atziluth, although they suggest that this was not always the case.
    • There is evidence to suggest that the gods came from a world reachable only through Atziluth, explaining the differences in their thought processes and how they view the world, and morality.
  • The 7th Dimension is barely understood at all, except on a theoretical level studying the difference between Fae and Gods. It is named informally only, as The Far Realm
    • The Fae came from a world from here. If the gods think differently from us mortals, then the existence and mindset of fae are shown to be utterly incomprehensible.
    • If anything else came from worlds accessed through The Far Realm, their mere presence may drive us insane. We should consider ourselves lucky that the Fae are as comprehensible as they are, although perhaps they too can drive us mad.
  • The existence of higher dimensions are supported by theoretical models as well as suggested by the ramblings of a captured water sprite, but we know nothing further.
  • There is another Dimension, discovered only 10,000 years ago, by the name of Byss.
    • Byss consists of 0 dimensions, and was previously thought to not exist due to this fact.
    • Byss seems to comprise of pure entropy, a non-place of non-existence that can somehow interact with our world via magic. It is thus known as the Death Dimension.
      • 10,000 years ago, a man now known as The Necromancer created an artifact known as The Black Gate to access Byss.
      • All Necromantic magic is derived from energy released from Byss.
      • Although theoretically impossible, there seem to be multiple inhabitants of Byss, or perhaps the singular inhabitant of Byss from multiple worlds can be summoned to ours. These inhabitants are known as Spheres of Annihilation, Umbrals, and informally, Black Holes.
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Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 20:36

Epic Paragons of Valacia

These men are not merely favored of the gods, they have Pierced the Veil, and even Vesk will find it hard to hold them. They can walk the planes, they can tap into the power of the gods in a way that priests would only dream of, they can shape the world...

Devin Myers, Favored of Custos

Mighty Paladin, currently in the service of King Baltes VIII and the Captain of his guard. Considered to be the mightiest warrior in the land, if not the world, and the champion of the nation. Almost single-handedly repulsed the Incursion of the 7 Lich Kings twenty years ago, such that many believe that the draft from that time was not only unnecessary, but a deliberate political deception for other purposes. This is an unfair belief, given that 70 legions marched on Valacia from the Sinster Range, but Devin sought out the Liches themselves to duel them one-on-one. Not that the Liches agreed to such honorable combat, but he fought his way to them-- it is said that he fought his way to them by the power of his conviction alone. Highly idealistic, romantic, and moral... he has little to no favor with the Court Nobles, but quite a bit of favor with the peasantry.

Lady Angelique Miranda

Reclusive Druidess, found maintaining the magical gardens of Thorncrest. A high ranking member of the Mage's Guild of the same island, but tends to avoid the actual college in favor of personal meditation amongst her enchanted trees and crystalline flowers. She is the reason Valacia still has the ability to any conduct business by sea at all. Although insufficient against the combined might of the Seafarers' Navies and their weather mages, the fact that Lady Angelique was able to fight off dozens of weather mages at once, all by herself, should say a lot. But one can only be in so many places at the same time, causing the state of affairs as they exist today.

General Hayes Velamir

Renowned Warlord, commander of the Armies of Valacia. Led the forces of Valacia against the Esterwall in two different wars against that nation, victorious both times. Considered to be a military genius. Has a known dislike for Devin Myers, whom he considers to be a jumped up farmer and uncultured bore.

Archmage Alejandro Nieves

Archchancellor of the Thorncrest Mage's Guild. Author of nineteen original spells, owner of the Mystic Eye. Supposedly the reason Dragons do not travel south of the Joyhar Woods. Defeated the Demon Lord Karblixeth 40 years ago.

His Holiness Monte Luther

Monk, mystic, spiritualist. Possesses a Mountain Monestary in the Esterwall. Considers himself outside of all mortal politics and is not beholden to the King of Valacia, but likewise is not beholden to the Dwarves. Many seek his wisdom, and more have sought to train under him after he talked an Ancient Dragon out of destroying Valacia... and then married her. The tale of their courtship is legendary, and often involves rooftop escapades and wire-fu martial arts battles.

What the world never knew...

His Holiness Monte Luther sits alone in his chambers, deep in meditation, in the center of his school on top of a mountain. Despite being above the snowline, it is eternally spring there, and it seems that the cherry blossoms are always in bloom. Outside his chambers, dedicated students study martial arts, or floral arrangements, or calligraphy, or any number of other high precision arts with infinite possibility for perfection. Beyond the gates, snows blow and rage on the steep mountain slopes, and occasionally, a dedicated individual will attempt to climb it.

This seems to be all. But a deeper look will reveal that while Luther seems to be sitting alone, he is guarding the Astral plane, mostly from pseudonaturals. The monastery is a haven, a place that they cannot go, and when his mind is damaged from the fight, he returns to the peace of the place, and teaches. But when he has rested, he returns to the fray.

When the Well of Storms opened, it was not just the Shadow Flame that came out. It was not merely the tentacled horror that was first fought by Forseth (and defeated within a week or so). The well seemed endless, and Forseth was not able to catch them all. And the fae began to corral them, leash them.

It was subtle at first. The horrors headed west, towards Aiden and Asean, but Luther was there within the Astral, knowing the place, culture, and people well. They kept going, into the Yellow Desert, where they began infecting dragons. Into the Demon's Hook, where they actually began leaving the Astral and entering the Prime. And into Daemenul Alu, where the Eladrin / Human kingdom began-- becoming strange.

People began going mad, little by little. Wizards began conducting dangerous experiments, which for a little while, provided great benefits to the people there. Healings, resurrections, resource generation, even food production. But then people eating the food went a little... off. And those resurrected started seeming not themselves. And tools made of the new metals would twist in your hands, or worse.

Luther and Ancor worked together then to untangle the problem. Luther fought in the Astral, while Ancor fought in the Prime, and then together, once the horrors were beaten back, slowly healed the wounds of madness, pulling the kingdom back into the realm of sanity.

But the horrors simply moved on, heading south... and across the ocean...


Ancient Gold dragon, mostly found in human form. Wife of Monte Luther. Nearly destroyed Valacia once, before falling in love. It is rumoured she uses her shapeshifting abilities to influence Valacian politics against her husband's wishes.


Renowned assassin. Real name unknown. Face unknown. Species unknown. Every unsolved murder in the kingdom is attributed to Greymist. Assassinated King Dalton III, five of his heirs, and twelve other relatives, in the end re-establishing the Baltes Dynasty in Valacia.
Last edited by Iunnrais on 07 Nov 2012, 18:53, edited 8 times in total.
Posts: 164
Joined: 11 Sep 2011, 19:50

Re: Valacia Campaign Notes

Postby Iunnrais » 20 Mar 2012, 20:36

Knowledge of Faerie
What Everyone Knows
  • Not a lot.
  • Faeries are known to exist. They are "real", for a given value of "real".
  • Faeries are the subject of more folklore than any other being, including vampires and dragons, but no one seriously believes any of it except for kooks.
    • Examples: Faeries will steal the color from your eyes. (Kooky sources disagree whether this means they make your eye color grey, or if they make you see in greyscale)
    • Faeries walk amongst us, and grant wishes to random people if you're polite, or curses if you're not. (So you should always be polite to strangers)
    • Faeries hide your possessions about your home when you aren't looking. (Your missing keys explained)
    • Faeries are tiny, no bigger than your thumb. (That's how they hide so easily)
    • On that note, most faeries live in carved out mushrooms, although royalty live in houses made out of flowers. (Gardens are nice)
    • Faeries tame spiders as workbeasts, and use their silk for threads in their looms. (They can even weave your fate in a spider's web!)
    • Faeries come from the moon. (Where oceans and streams are made of milk, that they bathe in)
    • Human royalty is actually faeries in disguise-- if they get wet, they'll shrink back to their natural size. (Hence why you never see a noble out in the rain without a canopy!)
    • Faeries are benevolent creatures who will listen to your prayers, package them up in a silver box made of moonbeams, and deliver them to the gods, where they plead on your behalf for your wishes. (Be pious)
    • Faeries watch over good children while they sleep, and protect them from harm. (Sing a lullaby)
    • And so on, and so on, and so on...
  • If an ordinary person were to encounter a faerie, despite all the positive press, they'd be terrified: people know faeries exist, but they know practically NOTHING ABOUT THEM. Hence making stuff up-- it gives form to the unknown. But everyone knows it's all just made up.

What Scholars and Priests Know
  • Faeries are a powerful civilization where social position equates to magical power
    • At the higher ranks, faeries are comparable to gods
    • The gods despise faeries, while also actively suppressing any information about them that they can
  • Faeries have some sort of connection with nature
    • There are known to be "Courts" for each season. There are known to be "Courts" for night and day. There are known to be "Courts" for land and sea. There are known to be "Courts" for earth and sky. How these courts interact or overlap, is unknown.
  • Faeries steal children, sometimes (but not always) replacing them with changelings that soon die.
  • Faeries can and have been known to fall in love with mortals. This typically ends up fatal for the mortal involved.
    • Elves are half human/half faerie hybrids.
Last edited by Iunnrais on 26 Apr 2012, 18:12, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 164
Joined: 11 Sep 2011, 19:50


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