New and Looking to join or DM

Pen and Paper Role Playing Games. Discuss rules and recruit players for your games.

New and Looking to join or DM

Postby BaurPowr » 31 Jan 2012, 15:11

I recently moved down to Wilmington from NJ and I stopped by the store today, learned about the site and decided to post something here. Obviously since I'm doing it. Anyway, I was hoping to either find a group that would be willing to let me join in on their campaign, or even have a group that would be willing to let me DM. I have 2-ish campaigns I was working on a few years ago that I can test out for anyone interested.

Just for S&G's....
I've played DND for almost 5, maybe 6 years now. Not constantly but I picked it up when 3.5 was phasing out and played a bit of 4e in college. I know a good bit of the game but we never went crazy into them, just the basics and had fun with it. As for DM-ing I've ran both my campaigns partially through and I did a few of the downloadable one time adventures so I know enough to run a game. At least i hope so, heh.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012, 21:24

Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby heath » 01 Feb 2012, 16:51

Did you also join our facebook group?!/groups/192218840875864/

Welcome to Wilmington and thanks for stopping by our shop.
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Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby Zabasaz » 02 Feb 2012, 13:23

I run D&D Encounters on Wednesdays at 7 PM at Cape Fear Games. You're welcome to hop in. We're at level 2, using Essentials rules preferably to generate your character. 22 pt buy, 100gp to start, etc. We're usually full but I can squeeze someone in and sometimes people don't make it.
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Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby BaurPowr » 03 Feb 2012, 21:56

I would be down to come play encounters, but I play wow (go ahead and laugh) and my raid night is wed/sun so I can't really make it. Any other day of the week would be great.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012, 21:24

Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby heath » 06 Feb 2012, 10:53

BaurPowr wrote:I would be down to come play encounters, but I play wow (go ahead and laugh) and my raid night is wed/sun so I can't really make it. Any other day of the week would be great.

No worries I think most of us have been there at some time or another. I was on the WoW drug for about a year after release but have been MMO free since '06. Hope your able to make it out sometime!
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Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby Zabasaz » 06 Feb 2012, 22:29

I play WoW, too, but atm I'm way-siding it in favor of other stuff. Honestly I play it for the fiance at this point.

I like to run games online and have been entertaining the idea of running D&D 4E over the web via chat, online dice rolls, and an online battle grid. Would you be interested? At the moment I run a Legend of Zelda game on Thursdays over the web, and this is how I run it: ... Platform73 - Map of the aftermath of an encounter with some Stalfos
We use AIM to dice roll and ventrilo to discuss. I'd like to use maptools, a java-based game grid, but it's buggy so I'm on the fence about it. It has built in dice rolls, rp apparatuses, and is neat for giving players a more vivid visual of their environment.
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Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby warlock24 » 08 Feb 2012, 22:05

My friends and I run a Pathfinder game/homebrew if you are interested. We play Mondays around 7:00pm. Hit me up at if you are interested.
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Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby BaurPowr » 10 Feb 2012, 23:27

Zabasaz wrote:I like to run games online and have been entertaining the idea of running D&D 4E over the web via chat, online dice rolls, and an online battle grid. Would you be interested? At the moment I run a Legend of Zelda game on Thursdays over the web

It sounds interesting but to be honest I'm a big fan on the pen and paper type of play. That and I get pretty sick of chilling around my house so I'd rather just go out and play or run a campaign than sit in my chair on my computer playing.

warlock24 wrote:My friends and I run a Pathfinder game/homebrew if you are interested. We play Mondays around 7:00pm. Hit me up at if you are interested.

I've never played pathfinder so I don;t know anything about how to play or anything like that. I've always just stuck to standard dnd. Though I on;y know 3, 3.5 and 4e.
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Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby gamedave » 11 Feb 2012, 16:18

Pathfinder is D&D 3.75. When WotC came out with 4E, Paizo (which was heavily involved in a lot of 3.x projects) cut a deal with WotC. They basically got the rights to continue the 3.x franchise under the brand name "Pathfinder." Imho, it's a great update of 3.5, which solves a lot of the problems which 3.5 had while preserving the bulk of the system. If you know (and enjoy) 3.5, you pretty much know Pathfinder and will probably enjoy it.
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Re: New and Looking to join or DM

Postby Melnibonean » 13 Feb 2012, 13:32

I'm the guy running the Pathfinder campaign that warlock24 mentioned, and we all try to keep it as close to the 2nd/3.5 edition feel as possible. What gamedave said is accurate, it's the same gameplay as 3.5 with a few tweaks. There's no pressure to come in knowing everything, we're always learning something new each time we go through the books anyway. Send me or warlock24 an email, we'd love to have a 4th player involved.
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