Epic Warhammer 40k Battle May 1st

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Epic Warhammer 40k Battle May 1st

Postby andrew » 31 Mar 2011, 07:27

The Secret War for Argus Septimium

A Warband of Chaos Space Marines known as the Warriors of Mayhem has just conquered the planet of Argus Septimium that stands as a lone planet orbiting a dying star. Argus Septimium was once a thriving planet in the Imperium, now it is a barren wasteland with spires of long forgotten ages piercing the dark sky. During the final fight for the planet, the only force willing to oppose the Warriors of Mayhem, a Chapter of Space Marines known as the Steel Dragons, sent out a distress signal to call for aid from any Imperial Force nearby. Multiple races have picked up this signal and have raced for the planet of Argus Septimium for their own reasons. Upon landing on the planet, the arriving races not only found themselves amidst multiple enemies, but no trace of the Steel Dragons or the Warriors of Mayhem. All that remained were wrecked battle tanks and thousands of murderous and blood-hungry Imperial citizens. The races quickly became engulfed with desperate battles for the control of the war-scarred planet. The wars were looking to forever become locked in an eternal stalemate until Massive Warships of the Warriors of Mayhem appeared overhead. With all of their telecommunication capabilities somehow blocked, the races now uneasy alliances and clash with each other in order to call for an evacuation from the only working high-frequency Comms Array after intercepting a Vox Cast from the Warriors of Mayhem ordering for the destruction of Argus Septimium. They do not stand a chance at stopping the Destruction of the Planet, so they must flee.

-The Game will be recorded on a turn by turn basis and will be compiled into a video (or series of videos) and be uploaded to Crazywargamerz Youtube page for public view. There will be both a TUrn by Turn video as well as a Dramatized video to tell the story of the Secret War for Argus Septimium.

Participants: 8 (4 per side)
Points: 2,000 per player (16,000 total)
Game Type: Seize Ground
Deployment Type: Pitched Battle
Force Organization: Standard

Game Special Rules:
-Good vs Evil-
The Game will be fought with the good vs evil theme with Tau, Eldar, and the forces of the Imperium vs Chaos (Space marines and Daemons) Orks, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, and Necrons on the side of evil.

-Lead them to Victory-
Each Army must field an HQ using the templates for the HQ selections (armies may include Named Characters such as Marneus Calgar and the Swarm Lord, but the first HQ choice must be from the HQ templates such as Chaos Lord, Space Marine Captain, and Tyranid Prime). The HQ must also bear a dramatic name to go along with the Army. This step is required so that during the video that will be featured on youtube, a dramatic new face will rise amongst the crowd and earn themselves glory as well as become part of a much larger campaign!

-Tie Breaker-
The game will be played as a Seize Ground mission with a slight twist. At the end of each turn, the number of objectives each side holds will be tallied up. If both sides hold the same amount of objectives at the end of the game then whoever holds the most points wins (i.e. at the end of turn 2, if the side of evil holds 2 objectives, it receives 2 points and if the side of good holds 1 objective, it receives 1 point and will add up as the turns go on).

Their will be no entry fee, but the players of the winning team will receive a T-shirt commemorated to the event that reads "I survived Argus Septimium" and the Special HQ created for the event from each army will be glorified in the Story video that will be uploaded to youtube.
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