Warhammer (Fantasy)

Tabletop miniature games. Discuss strategy and play times.

Warhammer (Fantasy)

Postby Brutaluhtor » 05 Jan 2012, 10:24


My name is Neil, and I'm looking for anyone interested in playing some Fantasy Warhammer! I'm relatively new to the game, but I have a solid understanding of the basic rules. I use a 2050 point WoC army, and I'm pretty much available all the time. That being said, if you're interested in playing, feel free to text me @ (585) 354-3494.

Also, I'm interested in getting into 40k, but I don't currently own an army. However, if anyone is interested in teaching me how to play, I'd be happy to start one!

Thanks for your time :)
Posts: 2
Joined: 05 Jan 2012, 10:03

Re: Warhammer (Fantasy)

Postby heath » 07 Jan 2012, 22:32

You should also make sure to join the Cape Fear Games mini's group on facebook. Let me know if you have trouble finding it and welcome to the forums.
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Re: Warhammer (Fantasy)

Postby TheSmilingDragon » 08 Jan 2012, 12:24

If you can stop by Tuesday night January 10th Cape Fear Games is having its miniatures kick off. This kick off is to help get more players into our miniatures scene. If you can stop by that would be great and if you know of anyone else trying to get into miniatures let them know.

Justin CFG Staff
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Re: Warhammer (Fantasy)

Postby Brutaluhtor » 08 Jan 2012, 15:47

Thanks guys. I found the shop's Fb the other day actually. I'm from NY so I don't really know anyone in the area, lol, but I just bought the Black Reach box for 40k; my GF and I are going to mess around with that. I picked up a Grey Knight Codex the other day as well, but I've been reading about many rule discrepancies so I'm not sure what kind of list I'm going to field just yet. I'm in the area until the end of next month, So I hope by then I'll be able to get some games in.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2012, 10:03

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