Tabletop Gaming

Tabletop miniature games. Discuss strategy and play times.

Tabletop Gaming

Postby Blacklight_Firefly » 24 Dec 2009, 13:17

I realize that there are already a few threads out there for D&D groups, but none really stating which editions people are willing to play or run, so I figured this would be a decent place where we could discuss what games we're looking for, which editions, etc.

I'm currently looking for any tabletop gaming group that is able to fit in players with rotating schedules and needs between two to four more players, though one of us is a very creative DM / Storyteller but wishes to get some more play time in as a PC. We're looking for mainly 3rd and 3.5 Edition Dungeons and Dragons, though for our DM it is more of a mixture of the two, and a few changes in the rules, but hey... They're more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. :twisted:

Also, we are very experienced gamers and storytellers, the majority of us having done some sort of tabletop gaming for close to ten years, now. We are familiar with most of the more common tabletop games, ranging from the White Wolf series, Dungeons and Dragons (2nd - 3.5), Champions, and a dash of Cthulhu thrown into the mix. Though we're more experienced players, we take all types, because we don't believe in pushing away newer gamers, as we all had to start somewhere.

The most difficult thing we've been attempting to fix is finding a group able to work with our schedule. Myself and two of the others wishing to play work 3rd shift jobs, though we have the same days off every week, those being Tuesday and Wednesday. The other player schedule is more flexible and able to fit most groups needs.

If interested, please drop me an email at or feel free to contact me through text if more convenient. My number is (910) 431-2520. It would probably be easiest to contact me there, rather than email, as I am constantly out and about, though I will check the email as often as I can.

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Joined: 24 Dec 2009, 12:50

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