Halloween Throwdown, 40k, Sunday, Oct 30th at Noon

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Halloween Throwdown, 40k, Sunday, Oct 30th at Noon

Postby andrew » 21 Sep 2011, 07:26

Hey there, Warhammer 40,000 players! Cape Fear Games will be hosting a Halloween Warhammer 40,000 tournament on October 30th! Bring 1,750pts of your army and prepare for a grueling test of strength and tactical adaptation as you fight your opponents in a series of 3 games, each with its own unique twists that could change the very outcome of the game! Join us at Cape Fear Games at noon on October 30th compete with us!

Points: 1,750 per player
Number of games: 3

Game 1:
Deployment: Pitched battle
Game type: Capture and Control (In the event of a tie, Kill Points determine the winner)

Game 1 special rules:
Each player will be given a number between 1-10 or 1-16, depending on how many players participate. After the players are given an opponent, the following list is used to determine what special mission conditions each player will experience during the game.

This list is to be kept by the judges:
1,5,9,13-"I have seen death and remain unmoved!"
One troop or elites choice is given the stubborn special rule and is immune to pinning for the duration of the game.
2,6,10,14-"Try and harm us, fools! It will avail you nothing!"
One troop or elites choice is given the Feel-no-pain special rule for the duration of the game.
3,4,7,8,11,12,15,16-"What kind of ammo are you using?!"
All flame template, blast template, and melta weapons re-roll to wound/armor penetration. Unfortunately, the very same ammunition is experimental, thus can possibly pose a threat to the wielder. All the above weapon types also are subject to the "gets-hot!" special rule.

Game 2:
Deployment: Spearhead
Game Type: Seize ground (Special Rules Below, in the event of a tie, Kill Points determine the winner)

Game2 Special Rules:
-"They float, they ALL float!"
There will be three objectives, two of which have special effects and move around the table randomly.
These objectives DEPLOY via deepstrike in opposing table-quarters that are not occupied by either player. These objectives deploy after both players have deployed and before turn one begins, but rather use one d6 instead of the usual 2d6 when rolling for scatter. The third objective is placed in the center of the table and will remain stationary. The objectives begin moving after turn 1 and move before turn 2 begins. The objectives move d6 inches in any direction indicated by the scatter dice. If a "hit" is rolled, then the objective moves towards the nearest table edge, but cannot move off of the table.

Game 3:
Deployment: Dawn of War
Game Type: Annihilation

Game 3 Special Rules:
-"Give your blood! Take their lives!"
One 2 troop choices on both sides is given the following wargear:
Detonators: The entire unit is fitted explosives that are implanted in inside their bodies that detonate upon death. When a model in the unit is removed as a casualty in close combat, the unit causing the wound has a chance of setting off the charges on a roll of 4+. If the roll is 4,5, or 6, the charges are set off and the unit causing the wound suffers d3str 8 ap 4 wounds that do not contribute to the combat results done at the end of close combat. (This is done after combat results, so close combat is resolved as normal. The detonations are carried out after the assault results. Should either unit be forced to fall back or either side be killed in a sweeping advance, then the charges are not set off).
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Re: Halloween Throwdown, 40k, Sunday, Oct 30th at Noon

Postby Tankeryogi » 04 Oct 2011, 18:23

This sounds promising actually.. Alot of fun to be had with House rules tournies. What is the 40k base like down there? I'm from Jacksonville and I'm thinking about coming down for this. I just dont want to get down there and find out that My two partners in crime that most likely join me :twisted: and myself are the only ones playing.

And I have a few questions.
1: Is there a registration fee of somesort.
2: Do you require fully painted armies.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2011, 18:18

Re: Halloween Throwdown, 40k, Sunday, Oct 30th at Noon

Postby Kilrosen1990 » 09 Oct 2011, 16:35

Fully Painted Armies aren't required, but as always painted models always add more flavor to the fight. Painting is encouraged, but not required. As for the entry fee, I discussed with CFG when organizing this event and we agreed on a $10 entry fee.

"Enslave them! Impale them! Burn them! This is our world now, and we shall proclaim our power!"-Chaos Lord Gerreck of the Warriors of Mayhem
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Re: Halloween Throwdown, 40k, Sunday, Oct 30th at Noon

Postby ScottEvans » 23 Oct 2011, 01:41

Good Luck to all. when will the next 40k throwdown be?
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Joined: 23 Oct 2011, 01:39

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