Next Gaming Gathering 10/2 Sunday at Noon

Board Game Night every Thursday at 5pm. Everyone is welcome and it's always free.

Next Gaming Gathering 10/2 Sunday at Noon

Postby andrew » 26 Sep 2011, 11:32

Greetings! While Halloween won't be for a few more weeks, that's no reason not to encounter some horror and bob for apples early! So my next Gaming Gathering, on Sunday, October 2nd, will have:
--MUNCHKIN ZOMBIES: You're the zombies, trying to reach level 10 through brrrrrrrainnnnnsssss! This includes the ARMED & DANGEROUS expansion too!
--CTHULHU GLOOM: Gloom is good -- snuffing off family members at their most miserable -- and it's even better (except for the family members) with the Cthuhu Mythos!
--SOUR APPLES TO APPLES: This variant on the classic game of comparisons has the judge picking not just the best selection, but also the worst! And the worst selection could get penalized -- or helped!
--BETRAYAL AT HOUSE OF THE HILL: The modern classic (with a ton or errata), the players investigate the strange house -- until one turns traitor and their evil plan is revealed!
This will be Sunday, October 2nd, at Cape Fear Games starting at noon. If you have any questions, comments, or candy corn, post here.
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