Zombies!!! Gaming Gathering, May 21st (Saturday) at Noon

Board Game Night every Thursday at 5pm. Everyone is welcome and it's always free.

Zombies!!! Gaming Gathering, May 21st (Saturday) at Noon

Postby andrew » 19 May 2011, 07:51

Greetings, the zombie-themed (plus PIRATE FLUXX) will indeed be Saturday the 21st, starting at Noon, at Cape Fear Games. Below are the games I'll
be bringing; I'll also have a few prizes -- including some extra plastic zombies and a copy of the Chinese Food Container edition of LORD OF THE FRIES!

MUNCHKIN ZOMBIES: Level tennnnn! Brrrrrrains! Be the first zombie to reach level 10, using items found lying around and lots and lots of victims!

ZOMBIE FLUXX: New rules, new weapons, and pesky zombies popping up all over the place.

ZOMBIE DICE: It's amazingly quick, it's amazingly easy, and it's all about the brains!

GIVE ME THE BRAIN! Finally: a game that exposes the link between zombies and fast-food employment. (And I will have a rubber brain to pass around.) My review of this classic is at
http://thearmchaircritic.blogspot.com/2 ... brain.html

LORD OF THE FRIES: The fast-food zombies return, this time putting together food orders -- or doing the best that they can since they're, you know, zombies.

COSMIC ENCOUNTER: Okay, one of the 90 alien races is the Zombie -- but it's fun!

PIRATE FLUXX: Alright, this one has *nothing* to do with zombies -- but it's also fun!

This Gaming Gathering will be Saturday, May 21st, at Cape Fear Games starting at noon. (There's a chance I'll be a little late -- but I *will* be there!) If you have any questions, comments, or nice juicy brains, post here.

Jim Lynch

"I have to turn the fish."
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