"A Game of Thrones" LCG?

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"A Game of Thrones" LCG?

Postby Zordren » 14 Jan 2010, 21:49

Greetings all!

Was wondering if anyone there has AGoT LCG/CCG, and is interested in playing some time over the next few weeks. I hear rumor that "cparrot" owns a set... I've never played it myself, and am not really into card games that much (although I have played Galactic Empires and Middle-Earth CCG), but I really enjoy the Song of Fire & Ice "world" and would be interested in playing a few hands of the game.

I should be back home (from Iraq) in about a week, and can't wait to see the store and meet you folks!
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Joined: 14 Jan 2010, 21:31

Re: "A Game of Thrones" LCG?

Postby heath » 14 Jan 2010, 22:10

Zordren wrote:Greetings all!

Was wondering if anyone there has AGoT LCG/CCG, and is interested in playing some time over the next few weeks. I hear rumor that "cparrot" owns a set... I've never played it myself, and am not really into card games that much (although I have played Galactic Empires and Middle-Earth CCG), but I really enjoy the Song of Fire & Ice "world" and would be interested in playing a few hands of the game.

I should be back home (from Iraq) in about a week, and can't wait to see the store and meet you folks!

Have a safe trip back and thanks for protecting our country.
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Re: "A Game of Thrones" LCG?

Postby cparrott » 15 Jan 2010, 11:53

I don't have a set of the LCG. I have the boardgame and the first expansion. There are some other players in town that I think did get a set, but they don't come to the store to play. I can see if I can borrow their set next time I talk with them. Heath, maybe you could order a base set for the store. I'd be willing to shell out a few bucks to take a look at it. I played the Warhammer Invasion LCG and liked that and wouldn't mind getting a copy (I bought the one set you had for my son for Christmas) as well as the Cthulu LCG game.

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Re: "A Game of Thrones" LCG?

Postby Zordren » 18 Jan 2010, 14:52

Thanks for the kind words, Heath.

Chuck - my bro up in DC has the Warhammer Invasion LCG and really likes it. I'd be interested in trying out that and the Cthulu LCG as well. SOOOOOOOO many games to catch up on and/or try out (TI3, Stronghold, RRT, Neuroshima Hex)! If you could get hold of a copy of AGoT to borrow that would be cool, but I guess there's more than enough other stuff to keep me occupied for a while!

FYI - I don't have regular access to BGG or the yahoo group anymore since they've restricted our internet in the office here (in prep for departure), but for some strange reason the CapeFearGames website sneaks through! :D
Posts: 11
Joined: 14 Jan 2010, 21:31

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