Selling my Mercs!

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Selling my Mercs!

Postby Derek » 09 May 2011, 11:27

With a recent car repair bill and an over abundance of models to play I have decided to sell the bulk of my Mercs. (Gorman stays with me however! =)
I've got several casters, Warjacks, units and solos that compliment all four Merc Charters (Magnus and friends, Pirates, Rhulic Dwarves, Ashlynn etc.) I am also including the rare Gale Force 9 Mercenary Dice Tin.

With the new Merc Caster and character jack coming out in June for Wrath now is a great time to snag a second army (which is really more like 4 armies) and begin fighting for coin! Most of these Mercs already fight for preexisting Factions so you can get a lot of table time with them.

If you are interested feel free to PM me or call me at 252-269-4042 and I will make you a list of what I have. This is a rather large lot of models and I am looking to sell them all together. Most are bare metal, several are still new in box with only a few painted so there is little to no stripping required. I will sell the entire lot at 50% off of retail. Sells will not take place within Cape Fear Games to honor their policies.
Posts: 76
Joined: 06 Nov 2010, 10:07

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