Mature RPG gamers for new playtest group

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Mature RPG gamers for new playtest group

Postby Julian » 10 Feb 2010, 16:28

I'm looking for a few players to test out a new rpg game system. I'm sorry to the youngsters but i have to say 18+ only don't take offense but availability for gaming times is usually not on friday or saturday night and we don't want to conflict with your school or home life. On top of this it is a play test group and experienced gamers is a must.

The game location will either be at my home or at cape fear if i can get a table on a quiet night. (Most likely at my home since quiet is impossible most nights at cape fear :o) no offense cfg :D Its fun but not a good game testing environment)

This will be a weekly or bi-weekly game group and will last a few months to several months depending on the group members interest.

The alpha test of the system is not available to be loaned out at this time but i can meet with players at cape fear to create characters before the game and game books will be supplied during sessions for player to use as a resource.

All players must sign an NDA waiver before testing this game in this group. (this is part of the testing process and means you won't discuss the system or provide its information to competitors etc.)

That being said if you have interest in being a part of a new game test group for a new rpg please respond here with your first name and availability as well as your experience with rpg table top games. If you have an email address or other form of contact that would be great too.

The little i can share about the game is that it is a project that has spanned the last 3 years, has testers in dozens of cities in the US right now and the UK, is not a d20 game mechanic system, and is loads of fun. The setting for the game test will most likely be the systems Sci-Fi universe, however i think we can do a fantasy universe or modern one if the group prefers.
I'm looking for at least 3 to a max of 5 players. My best guess would be if you like games like Shadowrun, Dark Heresy, Gurps, or Dnd 3.5 you will most likely enjoy this system.


Don't be offended guys if i have to turn some people away, but i might run two test groups if my schedule allows me. Also this is for fun and the love of RPG's so thats what we need to test this right! Oh and testers get a name blurb in the final core handbook ! :D
Posts: 11
Joined: 08 Nov 2009, 17:29

Re: Mature RPG gamers for new playtest group

Postby Julian » 14 Feb 2010, 14:54

still looking for a few more players. PM if you don't like posting replys
Posts: 11
Joined: 08 Nov 2009, 17:29

Re: Mature RPG gamers for new playtest group

Postby gamedave » 16 Feb 2010, 13:36

I'm interested, depending on the time (I usually don't get off work until 6:30 or 7 during the week).

I have a couple of decades of experience with tabletop RPGs, and have played, run, and/or own a copy of most of the game systems that have come out since the early '80s.

You can contact me at
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Re: Mature RPG gamers for new playtest group

Postby Julian » 17 Feb 2010, 17:31

Sent you an email gamedave

As of right now i have 4 players and i'm gonna lock the group up. In a few weeks there are going to be some open combat sessions that I'll chat with the Cape Fear guys about reserving a few tables for. That way everyone interested can see how the game combat is and get a taste. :D
Posts: 11
Joined: 08 Nov 2009, 17:29

Re: Mature RPG gamers for new playtest group

Postby Julian » 28 Feb 2010, 23:20

Sorry guys but the group is full at this time. I'll respond when we have an opening to this thread. Thanks for the interest through emails and private messages though :o)
Posts: 11
Joined: 08 Nov 2009, 17:29

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