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Re: Monday MIXERS

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2013, 12:15
by Qwefg
Iron kingdom recap

Team B received a request for help by the Farrow (Pigmen) as they asked for Jazz (or as they say “Bard!”) to defeat a wild Dire Troll. The Farrow called the troll Broke Tooth and warned them that the Troll’s rampage was disturbing a near by swamp. So Jazz says she needs a guide only for the one who asked the request to walk forward sadly. She quickly says that she meant all of them only for the group Farrow to put their hands over their ears and shout “We can’t hear you!” as they ran away.

So Jazz went along with the team’s priest Bahamut to deal with the troll. Bahamut planned to kill the troll while Jazz grabbed enough bear traps, chains, and even manacles big enough to bind a dire troll. The team walked through the swamp and found large crocs sleeping in the mud as the team slowly walked past them as they begin to realize how bad it would be if the troll woke up the beasts that where hibernating in the swamp. They even left a rare and powerful arcane scope left in one of their nests instead of trying to steal it just to wake the beasts up.

Everything went well right up until a gang of whelps (mini troll with no brain) spawned from the Dire Troll managed to make the 1st resident of the swamp woke up… A swamp troll (Think frog combined with troll). It attacked Bahamut and tried to eat him only for Jazz to fry it and the swamp troll. After two quick songs (One bad and one good) Jazz managed to revive Bahamut and the swamp troll only for the troll to run as everblight’s monster came and attacked them. The Afflictor (Think snake with wings and a stinger) managed to create it’s blighted infested soldiers and attacked the group only to be slain.

Needing rest the team went towards a hill and rested as the traps where set out only for the Dire troll to come to them. It managed to get the bear traps to snap and sort of lock it’s feet and fists as it had an army of whelps following it. Jazz unleased lighting and fried all but three of them as the battle began. Every time they did enough damage to the troll more whelp where spawned as the troll regenerated. The troll did lots of damage and managed to knock Jazz unconscious and severely damaged Jazz’s Jack. The battle ended when Bahamut healed Jazz as she managed to make her jack bind the beast rendering it helpless as it was to weakened from the battle to escape.

The team moved it into town and sold it to the arena for a lot of money and spilt it in-between themselves. They bid good bye to their Farrow guide as he also said good bye… as they found out that he had the Troll’s broken tooth.

How will team B fair for now? Find out next time on Iron kingdom!

Re: Monday MIXERS

PostPosted: 21 Dec 2013, 13:13
by Qwefg
Iron Kingdom recap

Team A low on supplies managed to make their first decision of attacking a skorn ship to loot it for supplies. Brass and Bardistiva boarded an enemy skorn vessel and attacked. A large group of skorn soldiers tried to take Bardistiva only to be blasted away by a powerful shockwave. Only for the surivers to be crushed by Brass’s new dwarven jack… A Gorden Basher loaded with a beserker cortex ( very good combo so far). Brass managed to slay the enemies on the top deck only to break him arm from a Skron wraith exploding. They then set free most of the captive prisoners (10 gatermen and left 12 whelps in their cage).

The team then commenced to ripping out most of the wood they could find/carry including the ship’s mast (sailing included). As the gatermen took fishing supplies, food, water, coal, and six cannons. As the team set sail away from skorn lands. During this time Captain Roger managed to inform the team that the skorn crystal eye (Still attacked to its head that was removed from Brass’s armor) had powerful magic and could let it’s wearer to be able to not only see the dead (Spirits, ghosts, etc) but to also be able to talk to them (And since it’s skorn properly command them to talk). As it could also replace a regular eye… though implanting the eye could be dangerous as some skorn had died before during the process of it being implanted. They also found out that the Gaterman shaman also knew healing magic also as medical knowledge… but it’s mostly magic.

After seven days the team low on supplies docked near a Protector of Menoth hidden refinery. (What kind they did know. They saw build and materials coming out of it). Roger’s tried to communicate with them only to find out that they did not know Ordic (Usually merc talk), or skorn (Which they did recognize but did not understand what was being said). Roger only being able to understand the word “Hertic” then quickly tried his best with sailor/pirate “lingo” (Does cross many cultures but very limited vocabulary) to say they were not with skorn. Sadly Bardistiva shouted as loud as he could in ordic as he tried to command/shout that they were not their enemy… and got shot by a cross bolt.

The menoth believing they were skorn mercs attacked. (Non skorn people speaking skorn and merc. Combined with contested area/lands where menoth and skron are fighting = skorn merc)
Sargent Brass with one last day with a broken arm showed even being unable to wield necrom he was still a force to be reckoned with. He went forth and commanded the pirate crew to man the cannons as they managed to take out a few menoth nutjobs. Bardistiva and captain Roggers where locked in melee with some heavily armored soldiers (Worthless defense but tons of armor boosted with defensive line). The enemy mage managed to prevent Bardisitva from casting some spells only to be hit by a cannon. The battle looked well right up until the unnamed reclaimer came into combat.
The Reclaimer (Menoth silent holy man. Job to smite Menoth foes and reclaim/save menoth souls) entered with two menoth jacks. The light class varrient managed to kill a pirate before being FUBAR by Sagrent Brass manning a cannon and firing with the rest of the ships cannons at the jack. Sadly the reclaimer entered combat and with his holy powers curses fell on team (Low rolls when the reclaimer came near them).
The iron soldiers blocked any blow that managed to hit the reclaimer as the reclaimer’s soul storm. Bardistiva and Roger fell in combat as Roger took an arrow to the rear. The team managed to save Bardistiva and Roger as they escaped the menoth soldiers and stole some extra supplies. The team lost three of the human pirates though… current ship reserve 5 human pirates, 9 croc fishers/fighters who can help sail the ship, and 1 vodo healing croc priest who has managed to keep the team alive.

Will the team manage to reach Five Fingers or shall the enemies catch them? Will the sea be their demise or shall they manage to survive? Will Brass’s deal with necrom get the team in trouble as Necrom seeks the destruction of the Necromancer Seares, The Goblin Mechanic Mister Gibbles, and the Mysterious Masked lady? Find out next time on Iron kingdoms!

Re: Monday MIXERS

PostPosted: 28 Dec 2013, 12:25
by Qwefg
Iron Kingdom Recap

Team A managed to dock near a shoreline as they picked up their newest member an Isoan elf (high elf) who was skilled with a riffle. The elf informed them that his employer Biff Bulletstorm needed help making Captain Rogers Telling the crew that they where going to rescue Biff. After moving through the woods the team managed to find the orgroth temple that Biff was at and managed to convince the people that they where friendly. Mostly by attacking the servants of the devourer wrym as they managed to force the Lord of Feasts (Think slender man's cousin) back leaving the camp safe.

The team went forth into the temple as they managed to evade the traps and continued to fight the enemy forces in the temple and the temple's own defenses. As they continued to move forward they managed to discover that Biff Bulletstom went to the temple to settle an old grudge with a Gobber named Mister Gibbles.

Will the team manage to reach Biff in time? Will the Orgoth temple's defenses get them? Will they be able to finish their rescue mission before more of the Devourer Wrym's servants come or possibly even before the Protectorate of Menoth comes for their revenge? Find out next time on iron kingdoms!

Re: Monday MIXERS

PostPosted: 03 Jan 2014, 22:59
by Qwefg
Iron kingdom Recap

The team continued deeper into the temple as they came across an ethical decision. Two people where trapped in an Orgroth trial held by the ancient Orgroth magic as the undead made by the Orgroth mistook the group to be the new judges. They found out that one had to be labeled "guilty" and the guilty person would die as both offered a reward if the team let them live. After find out out that one of them was a Kador General who betray his own soldiers but had a strong military connection/standing and a Lalesse rich noble who sold out his own country but had a lot of money. Then to make matters more interesting the skeltons said they would compensate them if both of the people where guilty. Bardistiva then came up with the idea to have both of the traitors had over a item for "good faith" as they gained a pendent that held a "IOU/favor" from a croc man and one Magic Graylord Axe. Which then ended with them having both traitors be guilty which meant death. The team left with both items and was given two magic staves as "compensation" for their verdict.

After the trial the group managed to run into Biff Bullet storm and joined him in his search for Mister Gibbles. The team also became split as they found out that Biff needed a "divorce" with a female dwarf. They also found out that the female dwarf's brother is a dwarf called Banse aka "The Dwarf Who Everyone Owes A Favor" and that the dwarf could help them get a better legal ship.

With their new team member they managed to find the goblin. Will they defeat the goblin who shall he slaughter them? Will the team manage to work together and deal with Biff's "problem"? Will they manage to make more allies or more enemies by the end of the day? Find out next time on Iron kingdoms!

Re: Monday MIXERS

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2014, 23:25
by Qwefg
Team A recap

The team engaged against Mister Gibbles as he burst down the door. Bardistiva managed to hid under the doors and avoid detection as he charged forward. After avoiding the enemy Bardistiva activated his shock wave and managed to cause series damage to the enemy minions. Zero along with Biff attacked Mister Gibbles as they managed to harm the armored jack. The team managed to defeat Mister Gibbles Jack. Biff managed to have Zero deal the final blow killing the goblin.
Though the battle was won Mister Gibbles was able to finish the ritual involving the souls of the fallen menits. Though the ritual had no effect on the team they also had no idea what the purpose of the ritual was or even what it did. The team was paid by Biff for their services as they ser back towards five fingers.

The trip went alright until they reach five fingers as the team was forced to face their next set of problems. Biff in need of his divorce couldn’t find a way out so he hired Captain Roger to help him out. While Bardistiva had managed to convince the gatermen to stay aboard but the human pirates decided that they would rather stay on five fingers. Captain Roger tried to send some gatermen to get rid of Biff’s “Future wife” only to have them almost get slaughtered by the dwarf. So Roger went back as he killed the humans who left the ship by drugging their beer and used the cursed sword to turn them into tunnel wrights. Afterwards showing there is no honor among thieves and being hired by Banse the dwarf to kill the surviving gatermen who escaped (Who did not know that Roger hired them) did the same trick to the gatermen.

Then came the next day as Biff followed Roger’s plan to get his “Divorce”. After having the child to be “tested” Roger had the group run into four of the human wrights that were made and left the group including Banse to destroy them.Biff ran to the spot where the final Wright was made and had it complete his “Divorce” only to realize that an unknown Gobber had spotted the fowl deed. Biff fired off four shots only to miss the gobber as Zero managed to kill the hidden gobber. Sadly the group including Banse noticed the shots and raced in to find the scene of the “Divorce”.

Tensions running high the dwarf demanded vengeance since Biff didn’t do a good enough job in “protecting” without knowing the actual deed. Rogger tried to calm down the dwarf only to fail as his teammates managed to force a ceasefire. Roger then tried to offer up a deal to keep his brother intact only for Banse demanding the head of the blighted dragon spawn called Faus in one month. Also if Biff left or tried to escape then Banse would put a contract on both brothers to be killed. Now tied between loyalty and survival Roger must convince the crew to help or find some other way to either keep his brother alive… or possibly leave his brother Biff to his fate.

What will happen next on Iron kingdom?

Re: Monday MIXERS

PostPosted: 23 May 2024, 00:54
by xenorm

Re: Monday MIXERS

PostPosted: 24 Jun 2024, 15:06
by xenorm

Re: Monday MIXERS

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2024, 08:42
by xenorm