Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Pen and Paper Role Playing Games. Discuss rules and recruit players for your games.

Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby ftaz » 21 Mar 2013, 19:20

I will let David know when I get home about the game for Monday at 4;30

glocness wrote:With them gone, Monday it is then. See you all there at 4:30 pm, Monday the 25th of March!!!
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby dffinley » 21 Mar 2013, 21:20

Thank you!
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby glocness » 26 Mar 2013, 16:19

The Black hounds of Errith group has shrunk down to 4 players, but we still gathered, began a playtest D&D storyline and had a good time with it! All of us are dwarves, in debt to a nasty lil runt of a loan shark and our buisness prospect just went up in smoke (kinda my fault). Thus we began adventuring, traveling towards a rumored cave opening that appeared when a bolt of red lightning hit the nearby mountain, hoping to fish our way out of debt. In our group we have the always unclothed barbarian with a love for his lost cat that compensates for his short fused temper (thinking of his childhood kitty makes this guy rage!) and he's not afraid to throw down no matter HOW outmatched he might be. A ranger with a knack for both ranged and close quarter fighting who has a goat that is very much a liability but we learned very valuable in a fight! Our Rogue is not only our pocket picker and delver, but our "brain" and negotiator.....who's job is extreemly complicated and dramatic as he's always covering for the rest of us in our lack of "social graces and manerisms", who just so happens to be good with knives. Then there's the sturdy, stout, warrior cleric of the almighty thunder god, always eager for battle and proving his mettle.....but has a voice like a choked out bass chimpmunk (I think havin a chick name woulda been a lot easier on this poor dwarf.....can you imagine his whole childhood havin a voice like that?!?).

We began in our bar, the rogue was out doing prospect work but the three of us were enjoying ourselves when a mass brawl erupted. We got right in the mix, slingin punches, me throwing in some spartan shield maneuvers, the goat....well, bein a goat N rammin stuff uncontrolably. After many ropunds, a fire started (I misjudged the effect a blast spell would have on the place....whoops). We were able to end the brawl, stomp the flames and retire for the night but our rest was short lived as the next morning Red Drake hobgoblin occupiers were in our establishment, harrassing our goat! We tried (in a way) to quell the situation but it ended with the Drakes all falling before our prowess. But, right after that (hits just keep on comin here) a collector from our loan shark shows up and demands payment in full. We owe 5000 GP total, we have 5gp and a destroyed bar to our names (besides our gear which is, to say the least, FAR from what we need even on a GOOD market day), so, we struck a deal: 6000 GP in 1 week or, if we fail that deadline, 11000 GP in 2 weeks (and I'm magically marked because I was dumb enough to extend MY hand and shake on it.....DERRRRRRR!!!!!) or else we take a nice long dirt nap. Just peachy; Nation invaded, taken over and occupied, bar destroyed (not ALL my fault), money gone, Red Drakes hunting us for killing their patrol (good times), marked by a loan shark and have to stay mobile and ahead of the Red Drakes (everyone knows we whooped em so, not like the Drakes wont know who to look for here). Like I said, hits just keep on comin!
So, while making our way to this cave, we encountered a group of ogres.......a group of ogres who are apparently part of the ogre version of a horrid sabath retirement home which kept our Rogue busy thinking quick on his feet (goat kept eating doyles, I had to mend them, the ranger threw herself through the wall to their home, I had to keep them entertained with a religious story about THEIR gods....OY-VEH what a mess!!!). After we left (none too soon, we later that day approached a cave occupied by a frost giant who ripped 2 seasoned ogre fighters appart like nothing (litterally, he RIPPED THEM APART with his bare hands, and while NAKED) whom, suprise suprise, our barbarian got mad at and began a fight. After a few rounds, the fight drew outside the cave where, to our extreme suprise, our goat got a running start and gored it's way through the giants neck, dropping it for the count! We were favored by the gods for sure. After looting and stashing we proceeded to our objective, found the door and began our decent into the unkown caverns. What awaits the Sudzy Fist expedition group in this dark, forgotten and foul place?
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby dffinley » 26 Mar 2013, 22:39

It was a good time, and I'm really happy with where it all went. The red drakes have definitely come across a new sort of threat with the troupe from the Sudsy Fist Expeditions Company.
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby glocness » 27 Mar 2013, 06:16


Or our Barbarian will give you a reflex physical you'll never forget and our group goat will give your neck a real "CHECK" up like no other.
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby glocness » 30 Mar 2013, 15:41

Hey folks, it wont be next session or the session following, butI have been delving back into my Palladium books and have began putting a story together. Anyone interested? This will give our DM some much needed time off when he wants it as well as expose you folks to a new world. For those who'd like to research, I plan on the story begining in the kingdom of Timero. Day one will be all character creation, game orientation and getting the adventuring group together (with homelands, backgrounds and a whole bunch of other variables to play in, I gotta get your characters created before I can get you folks linked up) and off to their tasks. Suffice to say, this group will have it's hands full.

ALSO: This coming Monday, April 1st, meet at cape fear games to continue our Sudsy fist expedition adventure. Game time 4:30pm.
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby dffinley » 31 Mar 2013, 18:04

Tomorrow we descend into the Caverns of Murder. Hope you guys packed your healing potions.
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby glocness » 02 Apr 2013, 18:39

Well, the caverns of murder have lived up to their name. The sudsy fist expedition (under debate if we want to change the name to the testicular reflex check clinic) began their day by fighting 4 Red Drake marauders mounted on Griffons. Through some very skillful tactics (and sheer hulk-rage luck on our barbarians part) we were able to defeat all 4 riders and their mounts, even keeping one alive at the entrance as a gaurd (we left 4 hobgoblin corpses for it to nible on). Next we decended through a massive spider cavern into a heavily trapped sacrificial chamber ran by troglodytes. Our Ranger Bernitta has developed a theme for loving her face burnt off (opened the cavern door, she got blasted by a fire jet; spent time rolling her in the snow like a wad of cookie dough. In the chamber she snagged a huge gem from a pool of acid then took a faceplant in the very pool after stumbling over the gem trying to jump to safety). We almost lost our goat but we were able to save him. My healing skills are constntly being put to the test (as I said, these cavern are REALLY living up to their name) and our barbarian is putting more grey hairs on both my head as well as our Rogue (his way of disarming traps is raging and smashing them with a big frost brand maul.......yeeeeeeesh! Trying to shield slam tackle him is NOT a pleasant or easy experience!!!). BUT, the barbarian DID judo-hulk-style flip a flying Griffon into the ground as it TRIED to attack him, sending it's rider rocketing accross the snow, then leaped onto ANOTHER griffon flying about, accordian smashing the riders skull and then squeezing the Griffon into submission, spearing another rider through the heart, lifting him off his mount then throwing him (laughing gleefully) at the final rider before we all ended the fight......the sidsy fist expedition team apparently isn't satisfied with just beating their enemies, we want them to be traumatized in their next life AND the afterlife as well. Wow, what a session. Next session, we resume, fairly wounded, divided by a trap and left with only 1 route to take, further into the apparently troglodyte and giant spider infested caverns of murder (oh, and we got traps galor goin on too...our Rogue is gettin grey hairs from that ALONE, not counting the barbarians raging impatience). Thus far we have aquired 2 huge gems (magical radiant focus gems a little smaller than our dwarf chests), a fair amount of equipment as well as some magical stuff we've put to great use, small amounts of coin and misc gear/weapons. All in all, we're already out of debt....now we just need a way out of this place!!!!! Oh yeah, we've gutted 1 troglodyte and made another burn to death on their own sacrificial altar. Ye-haw....
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby dffinley » 03 Apr 2013, 17:37

That was awesome on Monday. I feel like Braun jumping off the cliff is one of those things groups talk about years later.

Thanks, everyone, for making these sessions the best I've DMed in over a decade.

I'll get you some XP here soon.
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby glocness » 04 Apr 2013, 06:04

Braun is definitely one of those characters that are talked about in song and lore......and he's also the one that ages his fellow party members prematurely!!!
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