Let's start a D&D game..

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Let's start a D&D game..

Postby warlock24 » 13 Oct 2010, 21:36

It has been a long time (1991-'93) since I hve played and am interested in pickng it up again. There hasn't been any new posts, so i figured I would start a new thread. I know there is a D&D Encounters game on Wednesday, but the day isn't suited well for me and their slots are filled anyways.

I am a professional that work 5 days a week and am looking for a group of like minded adults. I wouldn't mind a mature 17+ to join. I have created several characters off of the D&D character maker (downloaded from their site). If anyone is interested please respond here or JLMyers24@gmail.com. I am not a good DM and would request that someone take that role or maybe trading off on campagnes.

Hope to hear from you guys!
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Re: Let's start a D&D game..

Postby warlock24 » 13 Oct 2010, 21:50

I m also checking out the Pathfinder series and may be willing to give it a try. Just really want to get ack into playing.
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Re: Let's start a D&D game..

Postby TimbillyOSU » 14 Oct 2010, 14:09

I'm definitely up for it... I work 7-4ish M-F so really any night Mon-Thurs is good with me (I'm out of town on a lot of weekends).

Do you live in Wilmington, would you want to do it at CFG or somewhere else?
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Re: Let's start a D&D game..

Postby warlock24 » 17 Oct 2010, 20:55

I talked to Allenfrom CFG and he said he is tryting to do another D&D Encounters game. I'll keep you posted.
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Re: Let's start a D&D game..

Postby hedgeknight » 18 Oct 2010, 05:31

There are at least 2-3 guys in the demo group I ran back in September who I know are interested in playing on a regular basis. Alan set us up with a table and we had a great time (see the Recruiting for Castles & Crusades Demo thread). We played C&C that day, but I think they are pretty much open for anything, especially if it's old-school D&D.
C&C worked well because it has an old-school feel with elements of other editions worked into the system. Plus, we house-ruled a few things and had a great time.

Good luck getting a game going!
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Re: Let's start a D&D game..

Postby Gol Imish » 05 Dec 2010, 15:35

All -

I am planning to run a D&D Encounters game at the store. Been talking to Andrew about it and things look good. I will be at the store Friday at 6:30 to discuss details with Andrew or Allen. If you are interested and want to get involved, stop in. I will DM, but need 3-5 players. Anyone interested? If the group cliks, I am thinking about running a campaign. Let me know...

Gol Imish
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Re: Let's start a D&D game..

Postby warlock24 » 05 Dec 2010, 21:34

I have it down to meet there. Thanks for starting one up. When i get there, who am I to talk to?
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Joined: 13 Oct 2010, 21:25

Re: Let's start a D&D game..

Postby andrew » 13 Dec 2010, 08:07

This Wednesday come talk to Dean, Allen or Andrew. New D&D encounters game is starting up. Stop by the store for more information.
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