what do I need for D&D4th ed.

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what do I need for D&D4th ed.

Postby amarknc » 02 Feb 2010, 19:14

I am in the market to start playing D&D 4th ed so I will need books and supplies. I do have plenty of dice leftover from all my past
AD&D and other games so thats done. I do expect as I learn the new game more I will be willing to DM. Just curious if someone
could let me know the best start or is just the players guides, MM and DM guide all I need to get going?
Although in the past I never played with miniatures or hex dungeon maps, not sure if this is needed now with the new game (well new for me)
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Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 16:23

Re: what do I need for D&D4th ed.

Postby gamedave » 04 Feb 2010, 11:19

Your best start is probably to download the quick-start rules, and the character builder demo, both of which you can find at:


4E has a lot of character options - the only practical way to keep track of them all is to use the character builder program. The demo has levels 1-3. The full version (levels 1-30, which is the full range of 4E levels) is only available with a subscription to the above website. Honestly, if you just plan on playing, and you are willing to spend the money, you are probably best off just buying the website subscription for the full version of character builder, and not buying any of the books. The quick start guide covers all the basic rules and terms you need.

If you want to run - I'd suggest just starting off with the quick start rules and the intro adventure, "Keep on the Shadowfell", then moving on to the Big 3: PHB1, MM1, DMG1. If you have a website subscription, the PHB and DMG are still pretty useful, but the Monster Manuals are fairly redundant to the DM Adventure Tools program, which has stats for every 4E monster from every source (books, adventures, online articles, etc.) - although the MM does have more background and "fluff" on the monsters.
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Re: what do I need for D&D4th ed.

Postby amarknc » 04 Feb 2010, 13:43

thanx for all the information. I will look into all of that. The more I read about 4ed I see there is a big difference on how the players run
compared to the old AD&D 2ed.
Posts: 5
Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 16:23

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