[Pathfinder Campaign] Way of the Wicked

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[Pathfinder Campaign] Way of the Wicked

Postby Sithllama » 20 Aug 2012, 18:18

So, I'm planning to run a third-party Pathfinder Adventure Path called Way of the Wicked. It's Lvl. 1-20, and most differently, it's an evil campaign. That's right, the party is now the BBEG. There are several minor but important house rules to character creation, so I'll be running a session just for that sometime this week. There are still a couple spots potentially open, so if anyone is interested, let me know so we can work out the schedule for that.
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Re: [Pathfinder Campaign] Way of the Wicked

Postby Sithllama » 20 Sep 2012, 11:08

Hey, just wanted to let people know that the campaign has started, we've had two sessions, and it's awesome. Just reached the first easy spot to insert new players, and the party could definitely still use more firepower/utility/badassery, so anyone that's interested, just reply here or message me. Go forth, and be evil!
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Re: [Pathfinder Campaign] Way of the Wicked

Postby Trish » 22 Sep 2012, 17:32

I'd like to do some RPG-ing. I haven't played Pathfinder, but I used to play a lot of AD&D and some 2nd edition, and various other systems including GURPS, Ars Magica, Rolemaster, Call of Cthulhu, etc. When do y'all play? I'm also thinking of trying the Wednesday Encounters group if they're open.
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Re: [Pathfinder Campaign] Way of the Wicked

Postby glocness » 29 Sep 2012, 17:16

What is pathfinder? I've only had someone briefly say to me that it was like a revised 3.5, but not 4.0 so, fill me in. What times and days do you folks meet up?
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Re: [Pathfinder Campaign] Way of the Wicked

Postby Sithllama » 29 Nov 2012, 11:30

Sorry for the very late replies people, the campaign had been on hiatus for a while, so I had halted searching for new players. We have spaces again, though, so please let me know if you're still interested.

@Trish: We game weekly Monday nights, from around 7 to around midnight, though the day may possibly be negotiable to either Tuesday or Wednesday.

@glocness: Pathfinder is, as many people like to call it, 3.75. It's almost identical in rules to 3.5, if you've played that it will take you very little time to pick up. There have been some (mostly minor) changes, which improve playability, but there's no dumbing-down like happened with 4.0. They also changed up the available classes and the class system slightly, but again if you've played 3.5 it will all feel very familiar. As to times and days, see what I said to Trish.

And hey, anyone else with interest, open spots! Let's get our evil on!
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Joined: 23 Jan 2012, 13:42

Re: [Pathfinder Campaign] Way of the Wicked

Postby SolitareLee » 09 Mar 2014, 19:25

Is this still open to new people? I'd like to check it out. (Pretty experienced with Pathfinder, not so much with evil characters.)
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