Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby glocness » 18 Jul 2013, 20:44

The Sudsy fist expedition crew embarked once more upon their quest to figure out what is happening to their stone giant allies mines, now, proceeding deeper into the mine. We came across more shield and archer drakes who were rather unhappy that we'd grown wise to their illusion magic (and dispelled it before they could close the distance).....unhappy for a brief time before they had no discernable emotion on their faces what so ever that is. As we proceeded deeper in we found a magical trap that flooded the local section of the mineand droped a section of floor into an open water chamber below the caves that was occupied by a giant eel (pulverized that thing, lucky shot with the Hand of T'oerr). Under the water was the REAL mystery; an ancient giant statue of a dragon with a magically iluminating pearl that lit the enitre cavern. We discovered that this great statue was not a bartering chip for more cash, but instead one of the 4 ancient dragon seals which keep the dragons banished from the world! Problem is, there are good dragons......and there are evil ones. Which type is this a seal for?? Brauns kitty was VERY unhappy at the sight of this thing and while the magic we detected was GOOD...the statue itself was not. And so we continued, after replacing the statue in the water and covering up the glowing magical gem with armor, clothing and silt so no one would know it was there. So further down into the caves we went until we heard what we thought were mining operations....mining operations well outside the areas the stone giants claimed to have been working. We sent a scout ahead who came running back in fear.....ahead of 3 BULLETTES!!!! Bolt Thundersmite stood bravely (OK, dumb move, but he didn't think that these things were THAT fast...) alone while his companions fled and Braun Bloodstone stood poised on a rock ledge ready for the ambush. After unleashing a devastating lightning bolt into 2 of them, the land sharks suddenly lost interest in all else but the source of the bolt (HEHEHE: Bolt threw a BOLT! HAHAHAHAHA!!!) and continued to trample and bring about a nice amount of pain and discomfort to Bolt Thundersmite, knocking him prone and pinning him down. Braun was able to save me as were the others once they rejoined the fray and we killed all of them, suffering no cassualties but being fairly wounded as a whole (Bolt got caught Gimley style under the bodies of 2 of the Bullettes when they fell on him in their death throes, so other than the lightning bolt....he was ineffective, having to wiggle his way further UNDER the bullette corpses in order to be protected as well as get free in a safe manner for the rest of the fight....hey, gotta live right?!?!). These Bullettes seem to have been here for a short while, feasting on the Red Drake mining operations that had apparently been established parralell to the stone giants mining system. The Sudsy fist embark once more upon their mission of discovery, picking up at the lair of the Bullettes and delving further into the cave system, away from the stone giant section....and into the heart of the enemy Red Drake mining facility. What awaits the Sudsy Fist Expedition crew deeper in the mountain?
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby Qwefg » 18 Jul 2013, 22:02

When the first trap went off Bolt nearly drowned (though it did allow him to warn us about the exploding floor) and Berggitta, Bolt and Thristy where all ridding Thirsty’s tower shield like a raft (Amazingly buoyant) on the water. Braun found the loan shark dwarf the Bulle (is that right?) waterlogged and broke two of the Bulle’s ribs by knocking the water out of his lounges. Though Bolt fixed the Bulle's wounds.

With the encounter of the Red Drakes two of them tried to run away as everyone but Braun retreated as another magical trap like the one before was about to go off (by either a stray arrow or magic laser shot). Braun instead charges at them (with a tower shield stuck in his helmet’s horns) and manages to impale them both on his helmet… only for the water to come rushing in breaking his helmet strap as it goes into a pit. Braun rushs down into the pit to rescue his helmet only to nearly impaled himself on the helmet’s horns (as the tower shield kept it afloat) and retrieved it.

After the incident with three Bullettes the crew manages to find an altar of some Red Drakes worshiping a dragon. Braun accidently set off a trap sealing the tunnel into a small death trap as the walls started to close in as a hole started to grow in the middle of the room. After one of them hit the jewels adorning the room in a certain pattern the hole is sealed but the walls are still closing in. The crew tried to hit the jewels in random patterns in hopes of stopping the walls only to open one of the gates in the room that leads to a portcullis. With no other choice or time to think the crew rushes into the room with even more questions than they had before.

Noticeable events that happened. Bolt’s one shot on the eel guarding the dragon statue. Thirsity being able to read a message that no one else could that talked about dragons which Bolt was able to help deceiver telling us it was properly a seal. The bulle dwarf telling us about the statue being one of the seals that sealed off some dragons. Thirsty being able to see a change in light caused by magic (and a hope about his near death experience and the dwarf he saw) allowing the team prepared their own trap against the Red Drakes for some well-deserved revenge. The discovery of a goblin mining camp that went into the stone giant mining camp. The bulle’s magic cloak that helps him from being noticed while underground and of course the leap towards the portcullis with the knowledge that the Red Drakes are trying to bring back dragons.
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby glocness » 04 Aug 2013, 12:45

And so, last monday the Sudsy fist crew delved deeper into the mining complex of the red drakes, discovering that they has set up a religious temple to a god of war, to which they were offering a (drugged) sacrifice. We later discovered multiple shamans and archers until we finaly came upon the big boss; a nasty hobgoblin cleric in all black full plate, a vicious heavy hitting mace and a heavy shield. Throughout the course of the battle he: paralyzed our mighty Braun, Flamestruck multiple party members, And tried to run away after throwing down a wall of fire that nearly killed another party member. Bolt was able to barely get to the door and keep it open and therefore keeping the Hobgoblin cleric in the battle instead of running off. With a HALACIOUS blessing from the mighty T'oerr, the mighty Bolt left forth a mighty smite (Nat 20 with chanel divinity ability...very much got that hob's attention) that nearly leveled the black priest. Bolt was then gravely wounded with a return chanel but saved when another group member showed up to finish off the priest. So when we next resume, Bolt must heal the entire group (counting himself there are 3 CRITICALLY injured party members) and the group must now decide on the next course of action for while rummaging about, we discovered Lord Leng is in fact in league with the red drakes in their attempts to destroy us. Bout time Lord Leng learns the true cost of betrayal I say!

Been a while since the game day and a lot's happened in RL, so if you folks have stuff to add, trype away!
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Re: Looking for D&D 3.5/ Palladium

Postby glocness » 13 Aug 2013, 08:54

So the night began with the long awaited return of Lord Fangoran, General of the armies of high water, former screaming lance and leader of the Black Hounds of Errith initiative....as well as the troglodyte chieftans son. We awoke to find ourselves in a hole in the ground with 2 dwarves..who they were, where we were...all mysteries. Hole was 30ft deep, 10ft wide (very cramped quarters) but the troglodyte was able to effect self release by climbing the greased wall with a miraculous roll, lowered the rope suspended from a lock in grate allowing one of the dwarves to clammor up the rope to the locked grate and one hand hulk heave open this metal obstruction. Oddly enough, we emerge to find cleaning materials for us to get cleaned up, healing potions to put us back to full life and all our possessions. Apparently, bob the bullette has a vested interest in seeing the black hounds succeed! Anyway, we left the torture chambers to find ourself in the familiar snowy winter time mountatin tops of the dwarf nation.....where we were soon fighting 4 frost giants and some new kind of breed of fire imps/mephits. Myself and the warrior dwarf began our hacking and slashing, dropping 2 giants in a few round (my fumbles made a giant fumble who fumbled directly into the dwarfs spiked chain around his neck which the dwarf usedd to LIFE FREE OR DIE HARD choke this giant out while I was wrapping up ther head of another giant with a spiked net and jabbing my trident into it. Fang was working on 2 giants, killing one buit then getting attacked by the other as well as a few of the mephits who he painfuly discovered that they blow up when you kill them....so, he got the bright idea of stuffing this mini flying torch....INTO THE JOCKSTRAP OF A FROST GIANT!!! ANd, even worse. After they explode.....the ashes they leave behind......slowly heat up, reconstitute and spit out a brand new mephit. "It's all about suppression........" Our dwarven mage was able to constitute some cold AOE that destroyed the mephits ability to reform thus winning the fight. 4 frost giants and 5 new and improved fire mephits....down.

Next we pick up with BArdistiva and the merry gathering of the Black Hounds of Errith. We dispatched the red drakes easily but were warned off of destroying the town as, our favorite dwarf Bob the bullette, informs us that Lord Leng the betrayer is heading to this very town as is lord Fang. We decide to spare the town..for now, kill everything, set up ambush and kill this traitor to the dwarves. The trap went like clockwork; our mad gnome bomber made a super bomb that dropped 10 red drake soldiers, 2 frost giants and wounded as well as knocked down 3 other frost giants. Our archer went straight after the monsterous priests that were around Leng, dropping them both with gnome adjusted explosive arrows while THunk finished the giants on the ground with Comander Cauldwell. Bardistiva, activates his flame ability and by himself, charges after a retreating Leng. He turned a corned, got SUPER smacked by a waiting Leng, flaming battle axe and all. Bardistiva then tried to grab hold of Leng but failed and got cut in two. So ended the blessed life of Bardistiva (-36/30 HP). THunk came over afterwards and rocked the dwarf betrayer with a flail strike that put leng on his back...where the little psychotic gnome took lengs axe and ran with it! Rest of the battle went easy; we all ganged up on em and we brought the vile prick down. Now, we have gurg dirtwater, the young gold dragon hatchling, with us and must now keep him safe from all harm. What will happen next? Will the sudsy fist get word that their quarry has met his end at the hands of other adventurers and not theirs? How will this group of adventurers factor into their plans for their home nation?
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Location: Wilmington, NC


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