LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

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LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

Postby GamrGurl » 26 Sep 2011, 22:41

I am going to be running a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign at Cape Fear Games and am currently looking for more players for my group. If you have any interest in joining us we need a few more. Email me your name, and what class you would be interested in as well as times during the week when you would be able to play. Please be knowledgeable and have your own PHB, dice, etc.


Caitlin Sullivan :D
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Re: LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

Postby GamrGurl » 29 Sep 2011, 21:03

Just a little more information about the game and myself for those asking.^_^

    I am not old, but old school I love the art of role playing and I think that too many of the groups that I have been in focus more on the die rolling and rules lawyer-ing, instead of having a fun and exciting adventure with the game. I am looking really hard for this group, I want a few things from the people that I am going to have in it. I really want my group to succeed I am sick to death of groups that are together for a few months then split because of waning interest or social drama, that's why I have decided to GM the game. I have never DM'd; I have run & played in many other games though. I ran a 4th Ed ShadowRun campaign for two and a half years and an All Flesh Must Be Eaten (A.F.M.B.E.) for two summers. I have a good imagination and make all my own campaigns. I am sure that everyone will be happy to play in the game so long as they like playing the game.

    I do work as a waitress so my schedule can be a little hit and miss and there is no standard 9-5, so it would kind of be a scheduling each successive weeks game as it comes up, but always when everyone is available to come, eventually my schedule should become more stable. My goal though is that we meet when everyone can so that we don't have people missing large chunks of story and play time. Scheduling would go as follows; we would all decide on a time that fits our schedule in the following week,5-10 days after preceding game, that way everyone could be there, and then should anything arise where someone cannot make it after scheduling then they will just have to miss, because we can only try so hard to make time for everyone.


   (I shouldn't really have to say this, but if I didn't there would be someone who wouldn't know it.)
#1.) I want a group of people that get along well with each others and of course me, though I get along with most everyone, that said I really look for respect of others, their feelings, time and property. My ultimate goal for this group is that we eventually meet at my place and game in my living room with some plastic folding tables I have, but I am planning that for the introductory time of the group while we are all getting to know on another we can meet at CFG.

#2.) Group members must be personable, friendly and capable of actually being a part of the group, that meaning I don't want people that are going to take over the part and play everyone else's character and make group decisions on their own and so on...

#3.) Be clean. This extends to many aspects of the gaming time the group will spend together. Obviously Personal Hygiene is key, but there is more than just that I don't want people throwing garbage on the ground leaving pencil shavings and sunflower seeds everywhere. Cape Fear Games hosts a clean and free environment for its patrons to group in and we should all respect them for that, plus it looks bad on a whole group of responsible people when one person doesn't clean up after themselves. Like I said I want to eventually host the game myself for convenience of scheduling. I live less than 1/2 a mile from CFG so location should not be an issue for people when changing the venue.
#4.) Swearing and other Questionable things. I do not personally care what anyone says, I don't care if you swear like a sailor or if you want to take about illicit sexual acts or bowel movements. That doesn't bother me. I would ask two things though.
        #1) The group needs to make this decision not me, please don't offend people needlessly and please don't needlessly become offended. If you have a problem with something someone says don't keep it inside until you have an emotional outburst, and if someone tells you politely that they don't care for something... respect that and go on. We are adults, at least that is the goal for this group.
        #2) Please respect the rules of CFG. They are a business, there are kids that come into the store. When the group meets outside of CFG then like I said I don't care, but again... adults.
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Re: LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

Postby Moose Jockey » 29 Sep 2011, 23:46

I'll give it a shot, lemme know when the first session is planned
Moose Jockey
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Re: LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

Postby Liquiddog » 01 Oct 2011, 10:48

Yeah, my fiancee and I would like to join, I am very experienced, she is very new, but will be up to speed. Tuesdays are bad for me, I like weekend meetings the most, I can start after october 15th.
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Re: LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

Postby GamrGurl » 03 Oct 2011, 21:53

I am not going to be able to do a steady day each week; the day will change week by week due to availability of everyone in the party so that no one falls behind on story line. Also, like I said I am a waitress and I go into work when they schedule me so I can't get the same day off every week.

Usually I have to work on the weekends as they are pretty big days in the restaurant industry.

Caitlin Sullivan
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Location: Wilmington, NC

Re: LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

Postby speakeasyman » 04 Oct 2011, 14:35

My friend, liquiddog just showed me this. I would be interested in playing, my email is jwn6791@uncw.edu just drop me a line.
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Re: LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

Postby GamrGurl » 04 Oct 2011, 22:28

I want to just say this to anyone new looking at this post. We are still technically taking on new players, but if we do there is very little room still left we already have 6 players.

Caitlin Sullivan
Last edited by GamrGurl on 05 Oct 2011, 16:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LFM - 4th Edition D&D Game

Postby Brothar » 05 Oct 2011, 15:19

Hi. I just moved here 3 months ago and I need a group to play with. I understand if you're about full but I'd be delighted to come to an event when I get the chance.

I have 3 years of D&D experience both 3.5 and 4th Edition. My email is matt_lothe1992@yahoo.com if you need a new recruit.
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