Vampire the masquerade

Pen and Paper Role Playing Games. Discuss rules and recruit players for your games.

Vampire the masquerade

Postby elijahfoxundercover » 06 Aug 2010, 16:03

Looking for players to be in a vampire the masquerade table top rpg. the game will be played based on the first edition of vampire the masquerade and will be a great game for beginners or experienced players. if you know anything about vampire the masquerade then the details are this... all characters will be welcome with enjoyable story lines for physical, mental, or social based characters. gameplay is story driven and dice are not too heavy handed. since we are playing with the first edition all clans will be used including independents and sabbat and you are welcome to make characters that mix and match disciplines if you can justify it within the character.

please email if you are interested in playing, location and time will be determined based on availability of the players. I will be acting as storyteller/game master for this first game but if anyone else is interested in this role I'm always looking for an auxiliary game! bring friends, the more the merrier!
Posts: 9
Joined: 06 Aug 2010, 16:02

Re: Vampire the masquerade

Postby alyson » 08 Aug 2010, 11:04

Vampire the Masquerade?! That's my favorite RPG! I would love to join your game! I just recently moved to Wilmington, but I used to play with a regular group in Greensboro. We played probably seven storylines over the couple of years we played, but I'd love to make a character I really like and stick with the story. You're a good storyteller, huh? That's good, because it's relatively difficult to do and I'm not looking to fill that role. Hope we can get a game together soon! Let me know if you come up with more players! I'm in.
Posts: 1
Joined: 08 Aug 2010, 10:56

Re: Vampire the masquerade

Postby TimbillyOSU » 05 Oct 2010, 13:10

Just wondering if your game ever got going... I'm looking to join some kind of tabletop game. I've played vampire (but it's been about 2 years) and I wouldn't mind getting back into it.

Shoot me a message on here or e-mail me at
Posts: 7
Joined: 27 Sep 2010, 10:36

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