Selling WOW Account

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Selling WOW Account

Postby Derek » 06 Nov 2010, 15:38

With the new WOW expansion looming in the near future I had a decision to make- Play or not to play. As a full time student with a full time job and a new relationship- I thought it best to let those sweet WOW days go. How I will miss them.

SO- I have an account for sale. It is a big account with lots of time, love and resources poured into it! It has about a dozen toons on it ranging from 40 on up but my main characters are a-

Lvl 80 Paladin (Main)
Lvl 80 Death Knight
And a Mage and Rogue high in the 70s. I was leveling these toons up for endgame when I decided to stop. Won't take long at all to get these two to 80 as well.

There are also other random toons in their 40s, 50s and 60s to help you get a leg up on leveling other classes.

These toons are all alliance and on the same server so it is easy to have them work in harmony. All toons have flying mounts (Pally has epic flying) as well as all their ground mounts. My Pally has max professions and a bank full of gold, mats, potions and trinkets including several of the rare loot card items for the Card game everyone was so crazy about. The Pally is in all epics for Ret and has a decent Tanking set as well.

If you are a wow vet looking for some quick new characters (especially with Cataclysm in the near future) or a new player looking to skip the months of leveling- this might be the deal for you!

I'm done with wow. Period. So this account has no value to me just sitting around. Make me a fair offer and its yours. I spent years on this account and I want it to carry on the legacy! :D I am also a 40k player and may be interested in a trade as the cash I will be getting from this sale will go right back into Cape Fear Games in the form of new Dark Eldar!

Let me know if you are interested,

Posts: 76
Joined: 06 Nov 2010, 10:07

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